Class MutationState

    • Field Detail

      • kuduTable

        protected final org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable kuduTable
      • session

        protected final org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession session
    • Method Detail

      • mutateTuples

        public int mutateTuples​(List<Integer> columnIndexes,
                                List<List<org.apache.calcite.rex.RexLiteral>> tuples)
        Mutate Kudu table using RexLiteral. Called while using a regular Statement
        columnIndexes - the kudu indexes to mutate
        tuples - a collection of rows to insert
        number of rows inserted
      • mutateRow

        public int mutateRow​(List<Integer> columnIndexes,
                             List<Object> values)
        Mutate Kudu table using Object.
        columnIndexes - the kudu indexes to mutate
        values - a collection of rows to insert
        number of rows inserted
      • updateMutationState

        protected void updateMutationState​(Map<Integer,​Object> colIndexToValueMap)
        Creates a mutation for the row being inserted and adds it to the kudu session. Also calls updateMutationState() for all cube tables (if any exist).
        colIndexToValueMap - Kudu index to new value mapping
      • flush

        public void flush()
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the cube mutation state (and thus frees up memory)