Class CubeMaintainer


public class CubeMaintainer extends Object
Used to calculate aggregated values and upsert rows to the kudu cube tables
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getFloorMod

      public long getFloorMod()
      TODO support month and year
      the mod value used to truncate the timestamp
    • generateCubeDelta

      public org.apache.kudu.util.Pair<Object[],Object[]> generateCubeDelta(Map<Integer,Object> colIndexToValueMap)
      Remaps the fact table columns to the cube table pk columns (dimensions) and the cube table non pk columns (measures) Also truncates the event time column to the cube rollup time
      colIndexToValueMap - map from fact table column index to column value
      pair of array of pk column values and array of non-pk column values
    • getNonPKColumnIndexes

      public Iterator<Integer> getNonPKColumnIndexes()
    • gePKColumnIndexes

      public Iterator<Integer> gePKColumnIndexes()