

package graph

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AllPathsWalk extends DepthTracker with BoundedIterator[Node]

    Traverses in FIFO (breadth first) order but without any limit on the number of times every node can be visited.

  2. class ArrayBasedDirectedGraph extends DirectedGraph

    This class is an implementation of the directed graph trait that is backed by an array The private constructor takes as its input a list of (@see Node) nodes, then stores nodes in an array.

  3. class ArrayBasedDynamicDirectedGraph extends DynamicDirectedGraph

    A dynamic directed graph, implemented using an ArrayBuffer of IntArrayList (from the fastutil library).

  4. trait BoundedIterator[T] extends Iterator[T]

    Bounds an iterator to go no more than a specified maximum number of steps

  5. class BreadthFirstTraverser extends DepthTracker with BoundedIterator[Node]

    Traverses in BFS order.

  6. class DepthFirstTraverser extends DepthTracker with BoundedIterator[Node]

    Traverses in DFS order (every node can be visited only once).

  7. trait DepthTracker extends QueueBasedTraverser

    A traverser that keeps track of first depth of visiting a given node.

  8. trait DirectedGraph extends Graph with Iterable[Node]

    The entry point into a model of a directed graph.

  9. class DirectedGraphUtils extends GraphUtils

    This class contains some common utilities and convenience functions for directed graphs.

  10. case class DirectedPath(nodes: Array[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a directed path of nodes in a graph.

  11. class DirectedPathCollection extends AnyRef

    Represents a collection of directed paths.

  12. trait DiscoveryAndFinishTimeTracker extends DepthFirstTraverser

    Trait to be mixed in to the BFS/DFS traverser to add discovery and finishing times of a node.

  13. trait DynamicDirectedGraph extends DirectedGraph

    A class support dynamically adds new nodes and dynamically add/delete edges in existing nodes.

  14. abstract class DynamicDirectedGraphHashMap extends DynamicDirectedGraph

    A class supporting dynamic addition of new nodes and addition/deletion of edges in existing nodes.

  15. trait Graph extends AnyRef

    The entry point into a model of a directed graph.

  16. class GraphUtils extends AnyRef

    This class contains some common graph utilities and convenience functions.

  17. trait Node extends AnyRef

    Represents a node in a directed graph.

  18. case class NodeIdEdgesMaxId(id: Int, edges: Array[Int], maxId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    This case class holds a node's id, all its out edges, and the max id of itself and ids of nodes in its out edges

  19. class PathCounterComparator extends Comparator[DirectedPath]

  20. trait PathLengthTracker extends DepthFirstTraverser

    A trait to be mixed in to the DepthFirstTraverser that keeps track of visiting distance from homeNodeIds.

  21. trait QueueBasedTraverser extends Traverser

    General schema for some Traversers (like BFS, DFS).

  22. class RandomBoundedTraverser extends RandomTraverser with BoundedIterator[Node]

    Same as RandomTraverser except that the number of steps taken is bounded by maxSteps

  23. class RandomTraverser extends Traverser

    Randomly traverse the graph, going from one node to a random neighbor in direction dir.

  24. class SeqBasedNode extends Node

    Constructor for a default node with neighbors stored as Seqs.

  25. class SharedArrayBasedDirectedGraph extends DirectedGraph

    This class is an implementation of the directed graph trait that is backed by a sharded 2-dimensional edges array.

  26. trait SortedNeighborsNodeOps extends AnyRef

    This trait designed to be mixed in to Node when neighbors of node are sorted Arrays.

  27. class SynchronizedDynamicGraph extends DynamicDirectedGraphHashMap

    A class support dynamically adds new nodes and dynamically add/delete edges in existing nodes.

  28. case class TestGraph(nodes: Node*) extends DirectedGraph with Product with Serializable

    A simple implementation of a DirectedGraph

  29. case class TestNode(id: Int, inboundNodes: List[Int], outboundNodes: List[Int]) extends Node with Product with Serializable

  30. trait Traverser extends Iterator[Node]

    A Traverser traverses the graph in a certain order of nodes.

Value Members

  1. object ArrayBasedDirectedGraph

  2. object DirectedPath extends Serializable

  3. object GraphDir extends Enumeration

    A representation of the two directions edges point in a directed graph.

  4. object GraphUtils

  5. object NeighborsSortingStrategy extends Enumeration

    ArrayBasedDirectedGraph can be stored with neighbors sorted or not.

  6. object Node

  7. object NodeIdEdgesMaxId extends Serializable

  8. object NodeUtils

    This class contains common graph node based utilities and convenience functions.

  9. object SharedArrayBasedDirectedGraph

    provides methods for constructing a shared array based graph

  10. object StoredGraphDir extends Enumeration

  11. object TestGraphs

    Some sample graphs for quick testing in tests.

  12. object Walk

  13. package bipartite

  14. package node

  15. package tourist
