

package linkanalysis

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Hits extends LinkAnalysis[HitsIterationState]

    Class for performing Hits algorithm.

  2. case class HitsIterationState(hubs: Array[Double], authorities: Array[Double], iteration: Int, error: Double) extends IterationState with Product with Serializable

    Stores all values necessary to fully describe one Hits iteration

  3. case class HitsParams(maxIterations: Option[Int] = scala.Some.apply[Int](100), tolerance: Double = 1.0E-8, normalize: Boolean = true) extends Params with Product with Serializable

    Stores all parameters for Hits algorithm

  4. abstract class IterationState extends AnyRef

    The base class for all iterations through our iterative algorithms.

  5. abstract class LinkAnalysis[T <: IterationState] extends AnyRef

    All link analysis algorithms should inherit from the LinkAnalysis base class.

  6. class PageRank extends LinkAnalysis[PageRankIterationState]

    PageRank is a link analysis algorithm designed to measure the importance of nodes in a graph.

  7. case class PageRankIterationState(pageRank: Array[Double], error: Double, iteration: Int) extends IterationState with Product with Serializable

    Class containing information to fully describe a page rank iteration.

  8. case class PageRankParams(dampingFactor: Double = 0.85, maxIterations: Option[Int] = scala.Some.apply[Int](10), tolerance: Double = 1.0E-8) extends Params with Product with Serializable

    Parameters for PageRank

  9. abstract class Params extends AnyRef

    The base class for all parameters fed to our iterative algorithms.
