

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ArrayBackedInt2ObjectMap[T] extends Map[Int, T]

    An Int -> Object map, where underlying ints must be in the range of 0..maxId and are stored in an array.

    An Int -> Object map, where underlying ints must be in the range of 0..maxId and are stored in an array. This map is NOT space efficient for sparse maps, but offers two advantages: (1) Fast, as indexing is simple (2) Updates and reads can be used concurrently, since there is no resizing operation.

  2. class ArrayBackedSet extends AnyRef

    A set backed by an underlying array that keeps track of ints in the range 0..maxId both inclusive.

    A set backed by an underlying array that keeps track of ints in the range 0..maxId both inclusive. Updates and reads can be used concurrently as each set element has its own location in the array.

  3. class ArraySlice[T] extends IndexedSeq[T]

    This class is a wrapper around a "shared array" to provide the Seq trait functions.

    This class is a wrapper around a "shared array" to provide the Seq trait functions.

    The concept of shared array is that a number of Seqs share an array as the internal storage. Each of the arrays is defined by its offset from the beginning of the shared array and length.

  4. class BinomialDistribution extends AnyRef

  5. class BoundedFuturePool extends FuturePool

    Future pool that executes task asynchronously with bounded parallelism level.

  6. class MapNodeNumberer[T] extends NodeNumberer[T]

  7. trait NodeNumberer[T] extends AnyRef

  8. class Progress extends AnyRef

  9. class SequentialNodeNumberer[T] extends NodeNumberer[T]

  10. class Sharded2dArray[T] extends AnyRef

    A wrapper that behaves as an Array of internal Arrays of T.

    A wrapper that behaves as an Array of internal Arrays of T.

    Internally, however, it keeps only a constant number of arrays, called shards.

  11. class SmallBoundedPriorityQueue[A] extends AnyRef

    Represents a priority queue that is bounded by a small maximum (e.g., < 10 elements).

    Represents a priority queue that is bounded by a small maximum (e.g., < 10 elements). The items are simply sorted when needed to be in priority order.

Value Members

  1. object ExecutorUtils

    Utility class for unbounded and bounded parallel execution

  2. object FastUtilUtils

  3. object Int2ObjectMap

  4. object MapNodeNumberer

  5. object NodeNumberer

  6. object ParseString

  7. object Progress

  8. object Sampling

  9. object Sharded2dArray

  10. object SortedArrayOps

  11. package io
