



package pushsession

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait PushChannelHandle[In, Out] extends Closable with ClientConnection


    Abstraction for interacting with the underlying I/O pipeline.

    Abstraction for interacting with the underlying I/O pipeline.

    The ChannelHandle provides tools for writing messages to the peer, an Executor which provides single threaded behavior for executed tasks, and information about the peer and state of the pipeline.

    All method calls on the ChannelHandle are guaranteed not to result in re-entrance into the PushSession so long as these methods are called from within the serialExecutor. Specifically, if a session invokes a method on the handle it will not result in a new event reaching the session before the method call has returned. This avoids situations such as a session performing a write and before the call returns a new inbound message arrives and mutates session state in an unexpected way.

    All failures are fatal to the PushChannelHandle including write failures. Specifically, any failure results in the onClose promise being completed with the exception in the Throw pathway and the underlying socket will be closed.

  2. trait PushListener[In, Out] extends AnyRef


    A PushListener provide a method, listen, to expose a server on the the given SocketAddress.

    A PushListener provide a method, listen, to expose a server on the the given SocketAddress. sessionBuilder is called for each new connection. It is furnished with a typed PushChannelHandle representing this connection and expects a PushSession to be returned asynchronously, at which point the session will begin to receive events. The returned ListeningServer is used to inspect the server and to shut it down.

  3. abstract class PushSession[In, Out] extends Closable


    Representation of a push-based protocol session.

    Representation of a push-based protocol session.

    The PushSession is intended to be used with the PushChannelHandle abstraction to provide the interface for building a push-based protocol implementation. In this pattern, events coming from the socket are 'pushed' into the session via the receive method with well defined thread behavior. Specifically, the receive method will be called with new events from the single-threaded Executor available in the associated PushChannelHandle. This provides two key benefits for push-based protocol implementations: - We remove the overhead of the Future abstraction intrinsic to the Transport and Dispatcher based model. - The session itself provides a clear pattern for managing synchronization that works well with the Promise abstraction by avoiding explicit synchronization.

  4. abstract class PushStackClient[Req, Rep, This <: PushStackClient[Req, Rep, This]] extends EndpointerStackClient[Req, Rep, This]


    Base type for building a com.twitter.finagle.client.StackClient using the push-based protocol tools.

  5. trait PushStackServer[Req, Rep, This <: PushStackServer[Req, Rep, This]] extends ListeningStackServer[Req, Rep, This]


    Implementation of ListeningStackServer which uses the push-based abstractions.

  6. trait PushTransporter[In, Out] extends AnyRef


    PushSessionTransporters attempt to construct a PushChannelHandle and provide it to the factory function, returning any errors as failed Futures.

    PushSessionTransporters attempt to construct a PushChannelHandle and provide it to the factory function, returning any errors as failed Futures.


    There is one PushTransporter assigned per remote peer.
