

package netty3

Package netty3 implements the bottom finagle primitives: {{com.twitter.finagle.Server}} and a client transport in terms of the netty3 event loop.

Note: when {{com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder}} and {{com.twitter.finagle.builder.ServerBuilder}} are deprecated, package netty3 can move into its own package, so that only the (new-style) clients and servers that depend on netty3 bring it in.

Linear Supertypes
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  1. netty3
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ChannelBufferBuf extends Buf

    A wrapper for Netty ChannelBuffers.

    A wrapper for Netty ChannelBuffers.


    Since ChannelBuffers are mutable, modifying the wrapped buffer within slices of a ChannelBufferBuf will modify the original wrapped ChannelBuffer. Similarly, modifications to the original buffer will be reflected in slices.

  2. class ChannelBufferSnooper extends ChannelSnooper

    Log message events

  3. trait ChannelSnooper extends ChannelDownstreamHandler with ChannelUpstreamHandler

    Log events on channels

  4. case class Netty3Listener[In, Out](name: String, pipelineFactory: ChannelPipelineFactory, channelSnooper: Option[ChannelSnooper] = None, channelFactory: ServerChannelFactory = Netty3Listener.channelFactory, bootstrapOptions: Map[String, AnyRef] = ..., channelReadTimeout: Duration = Duration.Top, channelWriteCompletionTimeout: Duration = Duration.Top, tlsConfig: Option[Netty3ListenerTLSConfig] = None, timer: Timer = DefaultTimer.twitter, nettyTimer: Timer = DefaultTimer, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = ServerStatsReceiver, monitor: Monitor = NullMonitor, logger: Logger = DefaultLogger) extends Listener[In, Out] with Product with Serializable

    A listener using Netty3 which is given a ChannelPipelineFactory that yields Out-typed upstream messages and accepts In-typed downstream messages.

    A listener using Netty3 which is given a ChannelPipelineFactory that yields Out-typed upstream messages and accepts In-typed downstream messages.


    the type of input messages


    the type of output messages


    The pipeline factory for encoding input messages and decoding output messages.


    Use the given ChannelSnooper to log low level channel activity.


    A netty3 ChannelFactory used to bootstrap the server's listening channel.


    Additional options for Netty's ServerBootstrap


    Channels are given this much time to read a request.


    Channels are given this much time to complete a write.


    When present, SSL is used to provide session security.


    Currently unused. Maintained for API compatibility.

  5. case class Netty3ListenerTLSConfig(newEngine: () ⇒ Engine) extends Product with Serializable

    Netty3 TLS configuration.

    Netty3 TLS configuration.


    Creates a new SSL engine

  6. case class Netty3Transporter[In, Out](name: String, pipelineFactory: ChannelPipelineFactory, newChannel: (ChannelPipeline) ⇒ Channel = ..., newTransport: (Channel) ⇒ Transport[In, Out] = ..., tlsConfig: Option[Netty3TransporterTLSConfig] = None, httpProxy: Option[SocketAddress] = None, socksProxy: Option[SocketAddress] = SocksProxyFlags.socksProxy, socksUsernameAndPassword: Option[(String, String)] = ..., channelReaderTimeout: Duration = Duration.Top, channelWriterTimeout: Duration = Duration.Top, channelSnooper: Option[ChannelSnooper] = None, channelOptions: Map[String, AnyRef] = ..., httpProxyCredentials: Option[Credentials] = None) extends (SocketAddress, StatsReceiver) ⇒ Future[Transport[In, Out]] with Product with Serializable

    A transporter for netty3 which, given an endpoint name (socket address), provides a typed transport for communicating with this endpoint.

    A transporter for netty3 which, given an endpoint name (socket address), provides a typed transport for communicating with this endpoint.


    the type of requests. The given pipeline must consume Req-typed objects


    the type of replies. The given pipeline must produce objects of this type.


    the pipeline factory that implements the the Codec: it must input (downstream) In objects, and output (upstream) Out objects.


    A function used to create a new netty3 channel, given a pipeline.


    Create a new transport, given a channel.


    If defined, use SSL with the given configuration


    The amount of time for which a channel may be read-idle.


    The amount of time for which a channel may be write-idle.


    If defined, install the given snooper on each channel. Used for debugging.


    These netty channel options are applied to the channel prior to establishing a new connection.

  7. case class Netty3TransporterTLSConfig(newEngine: (SocketAddress) ⇒ Engine, verifyHost: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Netty3 TLS configuration.

    Netty3 TLS configuration.


    Creates a new SSL Engine


    If specified, checks the session hostname against the given value.

  8. class SimpleChannelSnooper extends ChannelSnooper

    Log raw channel events

Value Members

  1. object BufChannelBuffer

  2. object BufChannelBufferFactory

    Class BufChannelBufferFactory is a Netty ChannelBufferFactory that creates read-only ChannelBuffers based on Bufs.

    Class BufChannelBufferFactory is a Netty ChannelBufferFactory that creates read-only ChannelBuffers based on Bufs. They are a thin API wrapper on top of Buf; no additional allocations are performed.

  3. object ChannelBufferBuf

  4. object ChannelSnooper

  5. val Executor: ExecutorService

  6. object Netty3Listener extends Serializable

  7. object Netty3Transporter extends Serializable

  8. object WorkerPool extends NioWorkerPool

  9. package channel

  10. object numWorkers extends GlobalFlag[Int]

  11. package param

  12. package socks

  13. package ssl

  14. package transport

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
