

package util

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By inheritance
  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class AsyncLatch extends AnyRef

    A construct providing latched, asynchronous execution of side-effecting functions.

    A construct providing latched, asynchronous execution of side-effecting functions. com.twitter.finagle.util.AsyncLatch#await does not block, but the execution of functions passed to it may be delayed. That is, because the latch guarantees serial, non-concurrent execution, functions passed to await may have to wait until both of the following conditions are met:

    1. No other functions are being executed 2. The latch's count is zero

    Thus, calling com.twitter.finagle.util.AsyncLatch#incr will cause subsequent functions passed to com.twitter.finagle.util.AsyncLatch#await to be delayed until the count is decremented to zero. Once the count is zero, functions are executed in the order that they are provided to await.

  2. trait Chan[-T] extends AnyRef

  3. trait CloseNotifier extends AnyRef

    Allows resources to register their handlers to be invoked when service is closing.

  4. class ConcurrentRingBuffer[T] extends AnyRef

    A simple, lock-free, non-blocking ring buffer.

    A simple, lock-free, non-blocking ring buffer.

    This differs from com.twitter.util.RingBuffer in that it is simpler (fewer features), and is fully concurrent (and hence also threadsafe). This should probably be moved into util at some point.

    Note: For very high-rate usages, sizing buffers by powers of two may be advantageous.

    Caveats: References are kept to old entries until they are overwritten again. You can get around this by storing nullable references (though this would require another allocation for each item).

  5. trait Drv extends (Rng) ⇒ Int

  6. trait OnReady extends AnyRef

    A base type for something that signals its readiness asynchronously.

  7. trait Proc[-T] extends Chan[T]

    A Proc is a process that can receive messages.

    A Proc is a process that can receive messages. Procs guarantee that exactly one message is delivered at a time, and that they are delivered in the order received.

    They can be thought of as featherweight actors.

  8. trait ReporterFactory extends (String, Option[SocketAddress]) ⇒ Monitor

  9. class Ring extends AnyRef

    Class Ring implements a hash ring.

    Class Ring implements a hash ring. Given an array mapping indices to positions, the ring supplies the reverse mapping: to which index does a position belong?

    Its distinguishing feature is that Ring can pick random positions in a range. (And then map them to their corresponding indices.) Ring can also pick without replacement two elements from a range.

    val r = new Ring(Array(1,5,20))
    r(0)  == 0
    r(1)  == 0
    r(2)  == 1
    r(5)  == 1
    r(6)  == 2
    r(20) == 2
    r(21) == 0 // Wraps around; it's a ring!
  10. trait Rng extends AnyRef

    A random number generator.

    A random number generator. Java's divergent interfaces forces our hand here: ThreadLocalRandom does not conform to java.util.Random. We bridge this gap.

  11. trait Showable[-T] extends AnyRef

    Trait showable is a type-class for showing parsable representations of objects.

  12. trait StackRegistry extends AnyRef

    A registry that allows the registration of a string identifier with a a com.twitter.finagle.Stack and its params.

    A registry that allows the registration of a string identifier with a a com.twitter.finagle.Stack and its params. This is especially useful in keeping a process global registry of Finagle clients and servers for dynamic introspection.

  13. class TimerFromNettyTimer extends Timer

    Implements a com.twitter.util.Timer in terms of a org.jboss.netty.util.Timer.

Value Members

  1. object ByteArrays

  2. object CloseNotifier

  3. val DefaultLogger: Logger

  4. object DefaultMonitor extends Monitor

  5. object DefaultTimer extends HashedWheelTimer

  6. object Drv

    Create discrete random variables representing arbitrary distributions.

  7. object ExitGuard

    ExitGuard prevents the process from exiting normally by use of a nondaemon thread whenever there is at least one guarder.

  8. object InetSocketAddressUtil

  9. object LoadService

    Load a singleton class in the manner of java.util.ServiceLoader.

    Load a singleton class in the manner of java.util.ServiceLoader. It is more resilient to varying Java packaging configurations than ServiceLoader.

  10. object LoadedReporterFactory extends ReporterFactory

  11. object NullReporterFactory extends ReporterFactory

  12. object Proc

  13. object Rng

    See Rngs for Java compatible APIs.

  14. object Rngs

    Java compatible forwarders.

  15. object Showable

  16. object StackRegistry

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
