

package kestrel

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Client extends AnyRef

    A friendly Kestrel client Interface.

  2. abstract class ClientBase[CommandExecutor <: Closable, Reply, ItemId] extends Client

    Common base class for clients using different protocols

  3. abstract class CommandExecutorFactory[U] extends Closable

    Factory of command executors for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ClientBase

  4. class ConnectedClient extends ClientBase[Service[Command, Response], Response, Unit]

    A Client representing a single TCP connection to a single server.

  5. class FinagledClientFactory extends CommandExecutorFactory[FinagledClosableClient]

    Wrapper factory for creating FinagledClosableClients

  6. class FinagledClosableClient extends FinagledClient with Closable

    Extends FinagledClient with Closable

  7. class Interpreter extends StateMachine

  8. class InterpreterService extends Service[Command, Response]

  9. abstract class MultiReaderBuilder[Req, Rep, Builder] extends AnyRef

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle instances.

  10. class MultiReaderBuilderMemcache extends MultiReaderBuilderMemcacheBase[MultiReaderBuilderMemcache]

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle instances using Kestrel's memcache protocol.

  11. abstract class MultiReaderBuilderMemcacheBase[Builder] extends MultiReaderBuilder[Command, Response, Builder]

  12. class MultiReaderBuilderThrift extends MultiReaderBuilder[ThriftClientRequest, Array[Byte], MultiReaderBuilderThrift]

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle instances using Kestrel's thrift protocol.

  13. final case class MultiReaderConfig[Req, Rep] extends Product with Serializable

    Multi reader configuration settings

  14. abstract class ReadHandle extends AnyRef

    An ongoing transactional read (from {{read}}).

  15. case class ReadMessage(bytes: Buf, ack: Offer[Unit], abort: Offer[Unit] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    A message that has been read: consists of the message itself, and an offer to acknowledge.

  16. class Server extends AnyRef

  17. class ThriftConnectedClient extends ClientBase[FinagledClosableClient, Seq[Item], Long]

    A Client representing a single TCP connection to a single server using thrift.

  18. class ClusterMultiReaderBuilder extends MultiReaderBuilderMemcacheBase[ClusterMultiReaderBuilder]


    (Since version 6.15.1) Use MultiReaderBuilderMemcache instead

  19. final case class ClusterMultiReaderConfig extends Product with Serializable


    (Since version 6.15.1) Use MultiReaderConfig[Req, Rep] instead

Value Members

  1. object AllHandlesDiedException extends Exception

    Indicates that all ReadHandles that are backing a given com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.MultiReader have died.

  2. object Client

  3. object ConnectedClient

  4. object MultiReaderMemcache

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style using Kestrel's memcache protocol.

  5. object MultiReaderThrift

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style using Kestrel's memcache protocol.

  6. object OutOfRetriesException extends Exception

    Indicates that a com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle has exceeded its retry budget.

  7. object ReadClosedException extends Exception

    Indicates that a com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle has been closed.

  8. object ReadHandle

  9. package java

  10. package net

  11. package protocol

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object MultiReader

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style.
