

package kestrel

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Client extends AnyRef

    A friendly Kestrel client Interface.

  2. abstract class ClientBase[CommandExecutor <: Closable, Reply, ItemId] extends Client

    Common base class for clients using different protocols

    Common base class for clients using different protocols


    the type that executes commands using some protocol


    the type of reply that {{CommandExecutor}} returns


    the type used by {{CommandExecutor}} to identify returned items

  3. abstract class CommandExecutorFactory[U] extends Closable

    Factory of command executors for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ClientBase

    Factory of command executors for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ClientBase


    the type used to execute commands in

  4. class ConnectedClient extends ClientBase[Service[Command, Response], Response, Unit]

    A Client representing a single TCP connection to a single server.

    A Client representing a single TCP connection to a single server.

  5. class FinagledClientFactory extends CommandExecutorFactory[FinagledClosableClient]

    Wrapper factory for creating FinagledClosableClients

    Wrapper factory for creating FinagledClosableClients

  6. class FinagledClosableClient extends FinagledClient with Closable

    Extends FinagledClient with Closable

    Extends FinagledClient with Closable

  7. class Interpreter extends StateMachine

  8. class InterpreterService extends Service[Command, Response]

  9. abstract class MultiReaderBuilder[Req, Rep, Builder] extends AnyRef

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle instances.

  10. class MultiReaderBuilderMemcache extends MultiReaderBuilderMemcacheBase[MultiReaderBuilderMemcache]

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle instances using Kestrel's memcache protocol.

  11. abstract class MultiReaderBuilderMemcacheBase[Builder] extends MultiReaderBuilder[Command, Response, Builder]

  12. class MultiReaderBuilderThrift extends MultiReaderBuilder[ThriftClientRequest, Array[Byte], MultiReaderBuilderThrift]

    Factory for com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle instances using Kestrel's thrift protocol.

  13. final case class MultiReaderConfig[Req, Rep] extends Product with Serializable

    Multi reader configuration settings

  14. abstract class ReadHandle extends AnyRef

    An ongoing transactional read (from {{read}}).

    An ongoing transactional read (from {{read}}).

    A common usage pattern is to attach asynchronous handlers to messages and error by invoking Offer.foreach on them. For example:

    val readHandle: ReadHandle = ...
    readHandle.messages foreach { msg =>
      try {
      } finally {
        msg.ack() // if we don't do this, no more messages will come to us
    readHandle.error foreach { System.error.println("zomg! got an error " + _.getMessage) }
  15. case class ReadMessage(bytes: ChannelBuffer, ack: Offer[Unit], abort: Offer[Unit] = Offer.const(Unit)) extends Product with Serializable

    A message that has been read: consists of the message itself, and an offer to acknowledge.

  16. class Server extends AnyRef

  17. class ThriftConnectedClient extends ClientBase[FinagledClosableClient, Seq[Item], Long]

    A Client representing a single TCP connection to a single server using thrift.

    A Client representing a single TCP connection to a single server using thrift.

  18. class ClusterMultiReaderBuilder extends MultiReaderBuilderMemcacheBase[ClusterMultiReaderBuilder]


    (Since version 6.15.1) Use MultiReaderBuilderMemcache instead

  19. final case class ClusterMultiReaderConfig extends Product with Serializable


    (Since version 6.15.1) Use MultiReaderConfig[Req, Rep] instead

Value Members

  1. object AllHandlesDiedException extends Exception

    Indicates that all ReadHandles that are backing a given com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.MultiReader have died.

  2. object Client

  3. object ConnectedClient

  4. object MultiReaderMemcache

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style using Kestrel's memcache protocol.

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style using Kestrel's memcache protocol. The load balancing is simple, and falls out naturally from the user of the {{Offer}} mechanism: When there are multiple available messages, round-robin across them. Otherwise, wait for the first message to arrive.

    Var[Addr] example:

    val name: com.twitter.finagle.Name = Resolver.eval(...)
    val va: Var[Addr] = name.bind()
    val readHandle =
      MultiReaderMemcache(va, "the-queue")
            .hostConnectionLimit(1) /* etc... but do not set hosts or build */)
        .retryBackoffs(/* Stream[Duration], Timer; optional */)
  5. object MultiReaderThrift

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style using Kestrel's memcache protocol.

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style using Kestrel's memcache protocol. The load balancing is simple, and falls out naturally from the user of the {{Offer}} mechanism: When there are multiple available messages, round-robin across them. Otherwise, wait for the first message to arrive.

    Example with a custom client builder:

    val name: com.twitter.finagle.Name = Resolver.eval(...)
    val va: Var[Addr] = name.bind()
    val readHandle =
      MultiReaderThrift(va, "the-queue")
            .hostConnectionLimit(1) /* etc... but do not set hosts or build */)
        .retryBackoffs(/* Stream[Duration], Timer; optional */)

    Example without a customer client builder so clientId passed to apply

    val name: com.twitter.finagle.Name = Resolver.eval(...)
    val va: Var[Addr] = name.bind()
    val readHandle =
      MultiReaderThrift(va, "the-queue", ClientId("myClientName"))
        .retryBackoffs(/* Stream[Duration], Timer; optional */)
  6. object OutOfRetriesException extends Exception

    Indicates that a com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle has exceeded its retry budget.

  7. object ReadClosedException extends Exception

    Indicates that a com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.ReadHandle has been closed.

  8. object ReadHandle

  9. package java

  10. package net

  11. package protocol

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object MultiReader

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style.

    Read from multiple clients in round-robin fashion, "grabby hands" style. The load balancing is simple, and falls out naturally from the user of the {{Offer}} mechanism: When there are multiple available messages, round-robin across them. Otherwise, wait for the first message to arrive.

    Var[Addr] example:

    val name: com.twitter.finagle.Name = Resolver.eval(...)
    val va: Var[Addr] = name.bind()
    val readHandle =
      MultiReader(va, "the-queue")
            .hostConnectionLimit(1) /* etc... but do not set hosts or build */)
        .retryBackoffs(/* Stream[Duration], Timer; optional */)

    (Since version 6.15.1) Use MultiReaderMemcache or MultiReaderThrift instead
