

package memcached

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseClient[T] extends AnyRef

    A friendly client to talk to a Memcached server.

  2. trait Client extends BaseClient[Buf]

  3. class ClientAdaptor[T] extends BaseClient[T] with Proxy

  4. class ConnectedClient extends Client

    A Client connected to an individual Memcached server.

  5. case class Entry(value: Buf, expiry: Time) extends Product with Serializable

  6. class FailureAccrualException extends RequestException

  7. case class GetResult extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class GetsResult(getResult: GetResult) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class Interpreter extends AnyRef

    Evaluates a given Memcached operation and returns the result.

  10. class InterpreterService extends Service[Command, Response]

  11. class KetamaClient extends KetamaPartitionedClient

  12. case class KetamaClientBuilder extends Product with Serializable

  13. abstract class KetamaClientKey extends AnyRef

  14. class KetamaFailureAccrualFactory[Req, Rep] extends FailureAccrualFactory[Req, Rep]

  15. abstract class KetamaPartitionedClient extends PartitionedClient

  16. case class Memcached(label: String, keyHasher: KeyHasher = ..., params: Params = Memcached.defaultParams) extends Product with Serializable

    Stack based Ketama Memcache builder.

  17. class MockClient extends Client

    Map-based mock client for testing

  18. class PHPMemCacheClient extends PartitionedClient

    PHP memcache-client (memcache.

  19. case class PHPMemCacheClientBuilder(_nodes: Seq[(String, Int, Int)], _hashName: Option[String], _clientBuilder: Option[ClientBuilder[_, _, _, _, Yes]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Builder for memcache-client (memcache.

  20. trait PartitionedClient extends Client

    A partitioned client is a client that delegates to an actual client based on the key value.

  21. class PoolingReadRepairClient extends Client

    This class is designed to support replicated memcached setups.

  22. trait ProxyClient extends Client

  23. class RubyMemCacheClient extends PartitionedClient

    Ruby memcache-client (MemCache) compatible client.

  24. case class RubyMemCacheClientBuilder(_nodes: Seq[(String, Int, Int)], _clientBuilder: Option[ClientBuilder[_, _, _, _, Yes]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Builder for memcache-client (MemCache) compatible client.

  25. trait TwemcacheClient extends Client

  26. trait TwemcacheConnectedClient extends TwemcacheClient

    Twemcache commands implementation.

  27. trait TwemcachePartitionedClient extends TwemcacheClient

    Twemcache commands implemenation for a partitioned client.

  28. trait ZookeeperStateMonitor extends AnyRef

    A zk monitor trait that assists with monitoring a given zk path for any node data change, in which the provided zk data handling implementation will be invoked.

  29. class Server extends AnyRef

    An in-process memcached server.

Value Members

  1. object Client

  2. object GetResult extends Serializable

  3. object KetamaClient

  4. object KetamaClientBuilder extends Serializable

  5. object KetamaClientKey

  6. object Memcached extends Serializable

  7. object PHPMemCacheClientBuilder extends Serializable

  8. object PartitionedClient

  9. object TwemcacheClient

  10. object ZookeeperStateMonitor

  11. package java

  12. package migration

  13. object param

  14. package protocol

  15. package replication

    Package replication implements a base cache client that can manage multiple cache replicas.

  16. package util
