

package admin

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AdminHttpService extends Service

  2. case class AdminServiceFactory(httpPort: Int, httpBacklog: Int = 20, statsNodes: List[StatsFactory] = Nil, statsCollectionName: Option[String] = None, statsFilters: List[Regex] = Nil, extraHandlers: Map[String, CustomHttpHandler] = Map(), defaultLatchIntervals: List[Duration] = 1.minute :: Nil) extends (RuntimeEnvironment) ⇒ AdminHttpService with Product with Serializable

  3. abstract class BackgroundProcess extends Service

    Generalization of a background process that runs in a thread, and can be stopped.

    Generalization of a background process that runs in a thread, and can be stopped. Stopping the thread waits for it to finish running.

    The code block will be run inside a "forever" loop, so it should either call a method that can be interrupted (like sleep) or block for a low timeout.

  4. abstract class CgiRequestHandler extends CustomHttpHandler

  5. class CommandHandler extends AnyRef

  6. class CommandRequestHandler extends CgiRequestHandler

  7. abstract class CustomHttpHandler extends HttpHandler

    Custom handler interface for the admin web site.

    Custom handler interface for the admin web site. The standard render calls are implemented in terms of a single handle call. For more functionality, check out subclasses like FolderResourceHandler and CgiRequestHandler.

  8. class FinagleTracing extends AnyRef

    This allows us to turn on and off Finagle's tracing.

    This allows us to turn on and off Finagle's tracing.


  9. class FolderResourceHandler extends CustomHttpHandler

    Serve static pages as java resources.

  10. sealed abstract class Format extends AnyRef

  11. class HeapResourceHandler extends CgiRequestHandler

  12. class Heapster extends Service

    Support for heapster profiling (google perftools compatible):

    Support for heapster profiling (google perftools compatible):

  13. class InvalidCommandOptionError extends IllegalArgumentException

  14. case class JsonStatsLoggerFactory(loggerName: String = "stats", period: Duration = 1.minute, serviceName: Option[String] = None, separator: String = "_") extends StatsReporterFactory with Product with Serializable

  15. case class MesosRequestHandler(systemExitImpl: SystemExitImpl) extends CgiRequestHandler with Product with Serializable

  16. class MissingFileHandler extends CustomHttpHandler

  17. class PageResourceHandler extends CustomHttpHandler

  18. abstract class PeriodicBackgroundProcess extends BackgroundProcess

    Background process that performs some task periodically, over a given duration.

    Background process that performs some task periodically, over a given duration. If the duration is a useful multiple of seconds, the first event will be staggered so that it takes place on an even multiple. (For example, a minutely event will first trigger at the top of a minute.)

    The periodic() method implements the periodic event.

  19. class ProfileResourceHandler extends CgiRequestHandler

  20. class RegistryHandler extends CgiRequestHandler

    Displays registry data for the service.

  21. class RuntimeEnvironment extends AnyRef

    Use information in a local file to determine runtime environment info like the package name, version, and installation path.

    Use information in a local file to determine runtime environment info like the package name, version, and installation path. This can be used to automatically load config files from a config/ path relative to the executable jar.

    An example of how to generate a file is included in sbt standard-project: <>

    You have to pass in an object from your package in order to identify the location of the file. The ClassLoader for the given object is used to load the file, which is first searched for relative to the given class (class-package-name/, and if not found there, then it is searched for with an absolute path ("/").

  22. class ServerInfoHandler extends AnyRef

    A simple http service for serving up information pulled from a file.

    A simple http service for serving up information pulled from a file. The ClassLoader for the given object is used to load the file, which is first searched for relative to the given object's class's package (class-package-name/, and if not found there, then it is searched for with an absolute path ("/").

  23. trait Service extends AnyRef

    A service is any task that can be shutdown or reloaded by the admin server.

  24. case class StatsFactory(name: String = "", reporters: List[StatsReporterFactory] = Nil) extends (AdminHttpService) ⇒ StatsCollection with Product with Serializable

  25. abstract class StatsReporterFactory extends (StatsCollection, AdminHttpService) ⇒ Service

  26. class TimeSeriesCollector extends Service

    Collect stats over a rolling window of the last hour and report them to a web handler, for generating ad-hoc realtime graphs.

  27. case class TimeSeriesCollectorFactory() extends StatsReporterFactory with Product with Serializable

  28. class TracingHandler extends CgiRequestHandler

    Can turn trace recording on and off for the entire service.

  29. class UnknownCommandError extends IOException

  30. case class W3CStatsLoggerFactory(loggerName: String = "w3c", period: Duration = 1.minute) extends StatsReporterFactory with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AdminHttpService

  2. object BackgroundProcess

  3. object CgiRequestHandler

  4. object FinagleTracing

  5. object Format

  6. object Heapster

  7. object MesosRequestHandler extends Serializable

    Deal with requests from the mesos executor

  8. object ServiceTracker

    Single server object that can track multiple Service implementations and multiplex the shutdown & quiesce commands.

  9. package config

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object RuntimeEnvironment


    (Since version 9.5.6)
