

package mathematics

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BigToSmall extends MatrixJoiner

  2. class BlockMatrix[RowT, GroupT, ColT, ValT] extends AnyRef

    BlockMatrix is 3 dimensional matrix where the rows are grouped It is useful for when we want to multiply groups of vectors only between themselves.

  3. class ColVector[RowT, ValT] extends Serializable with WrappedPipe

  4. class DefaultMatrixJoiner extends MatrixJoiner2

    This uses standard join if the matrices are comparable size and large, otherwise, if one is much smaller than the other, we use a hash join

  5. sealed trait Degree extends AnyRef

  6. class DiagonalMatrix[IdxT, ValT] extends WrappedPipe with Serializable

  7. class DimsumInCosine[N] extends TypedSimilarity[N, (Weight, L2Norm), Double]

  8. class DiscoInCosine[N] extends TypedSimilarity[N, InDegree, Double]

    Params: minCos: the minimum cosine similarity you care about accuracy for delta: the error on the approximated cosine (e.

  9. case class Edge[+N, +E](from: N, to: N, data: E) extends scala.Product with Serializable

    Represents an Edge in a graph with some edge data

  10. class ExactInCosine[N] extends TypedSimilarity[N, InDegree, Double]

    This algothm is just matrix multiplication done by hand to make it clearer when we do the sampling implementation

  11. case class FiniteHint(rows: BigInt = math.this.BigInt.long2bigInt(-1L), cols: BigInt = math.this.BigInt.long2bigInt(-1L)) extends SizeHint with scala.Product with Serializable

  12. case class HadamardProduct[R, C, V](left: Matrix2[R, C, V], right: Matrix2[R, C, V], ring: Ring[V]) extends Matrix2[R, C, V] with scala.Product with Serializable

  13. class Histogram extends AnyRef

  14. case class InDegree(degree: Int) extends Degree with scala.Product with Serializable

  15. case class L2Norm(norm: Double) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  16. class LiteralScalar[ValT] extends Serializable

  17. class Matrix[RowT, ColT, ValT] extends WrappedPipe with Serializable

  18. sealed trait Matrix2[R, C, V] extends Serializable

    This is the future Matrix API.

  19. abstract class MatrixCrosser extends Serializable

  20. abstract class MatrixJoiner extends Serializable

    Abstracts the approach taken to join the two matrices

  21. trait MatrixJoiner2 extends Serializable

    This trait allows users to plug in join algorithms where they are needed to improve products and propagations.

  22. case class MatrixLiteral[R, C, V](toTypedPipe: TypedPipe[(R, C, V)], sizeHint: SizeHint)(implicit rowOrd: Ordering[R], colOrd: Ordering[C]) extends Matrix2[R, C, V] with scala.Product with Serializable

  23. class MatrixMappableExtensions[T] extends AnyRef

    This is the enrichment pattern on Mappable[T] for converting to Matrix types

  24. class MatrixPipeExtensions extends AnyRef

    Matrix class - represents an infinite (hopefully sparse) matrix.

  25. trait MatrixProduct[Left, Right, Result] extends Serializable

  26. case class OneC[R, V]()(implicit rowOrd: Ordering[R]) extends Matrix2[R, Unit, V] with scala.Product with Serializable

    Infinite column vector - only for intermediate computations

  27. case class OneR[C, V]()(implicit colOrd: Ordering[C]) extends Matrix2[Unit, C, V] with scala.Product with Serializable

    Infinite row vector - only for intermediate computations

  28. case class OutDegree(degree: Int) extends Degree with scala.Product with Serializable

  29. class Poisson extends AnyRef

    Generating Poisson-distributed random variables according to Donald Knuth's algorithm as shown on Wikipedia's Poisson Distribution page

  30. case class Product[R, C, C2, V](left: Matrix2[R, C, V], right: Matrix2[C, C2, V], ring: Ring[V], expressions: Option[Map[Matrix2[R, C2, V], TypedPipe[(R, C2, V)]]] = scala.None)(implicit joiner: MatrixJoiner2) extends Matrix2[R, C2, V] with scala.Product with Serializable

    Class representing a matrix product

  31. class RowVector[ColT, ValT] extends Serializable with WrappedPipe

  32. class Scalar[ValT] extends WrappedPipe with Serializable

  33. trait Scalar2[V] extends Serializable

    A representation of a scalar value that can be used with Matrices

  34. case class SetSimilarity(intersection: Int, sizeLeft: Int, sizeRight: Int) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  35. sealed abstract class SizeHint extends AnyRef

  36. class SmallToBig extends MatrixJoiner

  37. case class SparseHint(sparsity: Double, rows: BigInt, cols: BigInt) extends SizeHint with scala.Product with Serializable

  38. case class Sum[R, C, V](left: Matrix2[R, C, V], right: Matrix2[R, C, V], mon: Monoid[V]) extends Matrix2[R, C, V] with scala.Product with Serializable

  39. trait TypedSimilarity[N, E, S] extends Serializable

  40. case class ValuePipeScalar[V](value: typed.ValuePipe[V]) extends Scalar2[V] with scala.Product with Serializable

  41. case class Weight(weight: Double) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  42. trait WrappedPipe extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AnyCrossSmall extends MatrixCrosser with scala.Product with Serializable

  2. object AnyCrossTiny extends MatrixCrosser with scala.Product with Serializable

  3. object AnyToTiny extends MatrixJoiner with scala.Product with Serializable

  4. object Combinatorics

    Serve as a repo for self-contained combinatorial functions with no dependencies such as combinations, aka n choose k, nCk permutations , aka nPk subset sum : numbers that add up to a finite sum weightedSum: For weights (a,b,c, .

  5. object GraphOperations extends Serializable

  6. object Matrix extends Serializable

  7. object Matrix2 extends Serializable

  8. object MatrixJoiner2 extends Serializable

  9. object MatrixProduct extends Serializable

    TODO: Muliplication is the expensive stuff.

  10. object NoClue extends SizeHint with scala.Product with Serializable

  11. object Scalar2 extends Serializable

  12. object SizeHint

  13. object SizeHintOrdering extends Ordering[SizeHint] with Serializable

    Allows us to sort matrices by approximate type

  14. object TinyToAny extends MatrixJoiner with scala.Product with Serializable

  15. object TypedSimilarity extends Serializable
