

package source

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CheckedInversion[T, U] extends Serializable

    Handles the error checking for Injection inversion if check fails, it will throw an unrecoverable exception stopping the job TODO: probably belongs in Bijection

  2. class CodecSource[T] extends FileSource with Mappable[T] with LocalTapSource

  3. abstract class DailyPrefixSuffixMostRecentSource extends MostRecentGoodSource

  4. abstract class DailyPrefixSuffixSource extends TimePathedSource

  5. class DailySuffixCsv extends DailySuffixSource with DelimitedScheme

  6. class DailySuffixMostRecentCsv extends DailySuffixMostRecentSource with DelimitedScheme

  7. abstract class DailySuffixMostRecentSource extends MostRecentGoodSource

  8. abstract class DailySuffixSource extends TimePathedSource

  9. class DailySuffixTsv extends DailySuffixSource with DelimitedScheme

  10. class DailySuffixTypedTsv[T] extends DailySuffixSource with TypedDelimited[T]

  11. class FixedTypedText[T] extends FixedPathSource with TypedTextDelimited[T]

  12. class HourlySuffixCsv extends HourlySuffixSource with DelimitedScheme

  13. abstract class HourlySuffixMostRecentSource extends MostRecentGoodSource

  14. abstract class HourlySuffixSource extends TimePathedSource

  15. class HourlySuffixTsv extends HourlySuffixSource with DelimitedScheme

  16. class HourlySuffixTypedTsv[T] extends HourlySuffixSource with TypedDelimited[T]

  17. class MaxFailuresCheck[T, U] extends CheckedInversion[T, U]

  18. class MostRecentTypedText[T] extends MostRecentGoodSource with TypedTextDelimited[T]

  19. class TimePathTypedText[T] extends TimePathedSource with TypedTextDelimited[T]

  20. final case class TypedSep(str: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    This object gives you easy access to text formats (possibly LZO compressed) by using a case class to describe the field names and types.

  21. class TypedSequenceFile[T] extends SequenceFile with Mappable[T] with TypedSink[T]

    SequenceFile with explicit types.

  22. trait TypedTextDelimited[T] extends SchemedSource with Mappable[T] with typed.TypedSink[T]

Value Members

  1. object BytesWritableCodec

    Source used to write some type T into a WritableSequenceFile using a codec on T for serialization.

  2. object CodecSource extends Serializable

  3. object DailySuffixCsv extends Serializable

  4. object DailySuffixMostRecentCsv extends Serializable

  5. object DailySuffixTsv extends Serializable

  6. object DailySuffixTypedTsv extends Serializable

  7. object HourlySuffixCsv extends Serializable

  8. object HourlySuffixTsv extends Serializable

  9. object HourlySuffixTypedTsv extends Serializable

  10. object NullSink extends Source with BaseNullSource with typed.TypedSink[Any]

    This can be used to cause cascading to run a flow, but discard the output.

  11. object TypedSequenceFile extends Serializable

  12. object TypedText
