

package thrift

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DailySuffixParquetThrift[T <: ThriftBase] extends DailySuffixSource with ParquetThrift[T]

    When Using these sources or creating subclasses of them, you can provide a filter predicate and / or a set of fields (columns) to keep (project).

  2. class FixedPathParquetThrift[T <: ThriftBase] extends FixedPathSource with ParquetThrift[T]

  3. class HourlySuffixParquetThrift[T <: ThriftBase] extends HourlySuffixSource with ParquetThrift[T]

  4. class Parquet346TBaseRecordConverter[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends ThriftRecordConverter[T]

    Same as TBaseRecordConverter with one important (subtle) difference.

  5. class Parquet346TBaseScheme[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends ParquetTBaseScheme[T]

    The same as ParquetTBaseScheme, but sets the record convert to Parquet346TBaseRecordConverter

  6. class ParquetTBaseScheme[T <: TBase[_, _]] extends ParquetValueScheme[T]

  7. trait ParquetThrift[T <: ThriftBase] extends FileSource with ParquetThriftBase[T]

  8. trait ParquetThriftBase[T] extends FileSource with SingleMappable[T] with TypedSink[T] with LocalTapSource with HasFilterPredicate with HasColumnProjection

Value Members

  1. object Parquet346StructTypeRepairer extends StateVisitor[ThriftType, Unit]

    Takes a ThriftType with potentially missing structOrUnionType metadata, and makes a copy that sets all StructOrUnionType metadata to UNION

  2. object ParquetThrift extends Serializable
