

package scrooge

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class TFieldBlob(field: TField, data: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

    This class encapsulates a TField reference with a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob.

  2. trait ThriftEnum extends TEnum

  3. trait ThriftException extends Exception

  4. trait ThriftService extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for interfaces that represent thrift services.

  5. trait ThriftStruct extends AnyRef

  6. trait ThriftStructCodec[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

    A trait encapsulating the logic for encoding and decoding a specific thrift struct type.

  7. abstract class ThriftStructCodec3[T <: ThriftStruct] extends ThriftStructCodec[T]

    structs generated by scrooge3 will extends this base class, which provides implementations for the deprecated encoder/decoder methods that depend on encode and decode, which are generated.

  8. final class ThriftStructField[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

  9. final class ThriftStructMetaData[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

    A simple class for generic introspection on ThriftStruct classes.

Value Members

  1. object TFieldBlob extends Serializable

  2. object ThriftUtil
