

package scrooge

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait LazyTProtocol extends TProtocol

    An extension to the TProtocol to enable lazy reading

  2. final class TArrayByteTransport extends TTransport

  3. case class TFieldBlob(field: TField, data: Array[Byte]) extends Product with Serializable

    This class encapsulates a TField reference with a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob.

  4. class TLazyBinaryProtocol extends TBinaryProtocol with LazyTProtocol

  5. class TReusableMemoryTransport extends TTransport

    A version of TMemoryTransport that allows for reuse in order to minimize object allocations.

  6. trait ThriftEnum extends TEnum

  7. trait ThriftException extends Exception

  8. trait ThriftMethod extends AnyRef

    Metadata for a thrift method.

  9. trait ThriftResponse[Result] extends AnyRef

  10. trait ThriftService extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for interfaces that represent thrift services.

  11. trait ThriftStruct extends AnyRef

  12. trait ThriftStructCodec[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

    A trait encapsulating the logic for encoding and decoding a specific thrift struct type.

  13. abstract class ThriftStructCodec3[T <: ThriftStruct] extends ThriftStructCodec[T]

    structs generated by scrooge3 will extends this base class, which provides implementations for the deprecated encoder/decoder methods that depend on encode and decode, which are generated.

  14. final class ThriftStructField[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

  15. final class ThriftStructFieldInfo extends AnyRef

    Field information to be embedded in a generated struct's companion class.

  16. final class ThriftStructMetaData[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

    A simple class for generic introspection on ThriftStruct classes.

  17. trait ThriftUnion extends AnyRef

    Unions are tagged with this trait as well as with ThriftStruct.

  18. final class ThriftUnionFieldInfo[UnionFieldType <: ThriftUnion with ThriftStruct, ContainedType] extends AnyRef

    Field information to be embedded in a generated union's companion class.

Value Members

  1. object TArrayByteTransport

    TArrayByteTransport decodes Array[Byte] to primitive types This is a replacement transport optimized for Array[Byte] and the TLazyBinaryProtocol

  2. object TFieldBlob extends Serializable

  3. object TLazyBinaryProtocol

    This is an implementation of the LazyTProtocol trait in scrooge-core This is not thread safe and maintains state.

  4. object TReusableMemoryTransport

  5. object ThriftResponse

  6. object ThriftUtil
