



package scrooge

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scrooge
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait EnumItemUnknown extends ThriftEnum


    Base class for unknown enum items.

    Base class for unknown enum items. The implementations are used for backward compatibility during enum update at producer.

  2. trait HasThriftStructCodec3[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

  3. class HeaderMap extends AnyRef


    Immutable Map of Header Keys Strings to Seq of Header Buf Values.

  4. final class InvalidFieldsException extends Exception


    An exception used to communicate when the fields on a struct are set incorrectly and the struct cannot be built because of it.

  5. trait LazyTProtocol extends TProtocol


    An extension to the TProtocol to enable lazy reading

    An extension to the TProtocol to enable lazy reading

    Three main classes of operations are intended to be enabled here:

    1) Enable caching of a backing Array[Byte] so we can serialize quickly what we just deserialized if unchanged. 2) Enabling deferred string decoding, since string decoding is an expensive operation if we don't need the string large savings can be had avoiding this for all strings in our deserialization path. 3) Optional fields require boxing + allocations during deserialization for primitive types, this stores the offset to those types instead, doing a lazy instantiation of the Option when the field is first accessed.

  6. case class ProtocolExceptionResponse[In, Out](input: In, response: Buf, exception: TApplicationException) extends RichResponse[In, Out] with Product with Serializable


    A ProtocolExceptionResponse represents a response which throws a thrift application exception of protocol error.

    A ProtocolExceptionResponse represents a response which throws a thrift application exception of protocol error.


    a TApplicationException of protocol error


    while this is a public API, it is only intended for use by the generated code.

  7. class Request[+Args <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef

  8. class Response[+SuccessType] extends AnyRef

  9. sealed trait RichResponse[In, Out] extends AnyRef


    A RichResponse tells filters richer information of a response, including the corresponding request, intermediate forms of the response and final response in byte buffer.

    A RichResponse tells filters richer information of a response, including the corresponding request, intermediate forms of the response and final response in byte buffer.


    type of the request


    intermediate form of the response

  10. abstract class StructBuilder[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef


    A class that provides an interface for building a new ThriftStruct from an existing ThriftStruct or statically from T.

    A class that provides an interface for building a new ThriftStruct from an existing ThriftStruct or statically from T.

    We pass in a list of ClassTags which describe each of the struct's field types so that we can validate the values we are setting at runtime.

  11. trait StructBuilderFactory[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef


    A trait that provides an interface for building a new StructBuilder[T].

    A trait that provides an interface for building a new StructBuilder[T].

    When added to the companion object, it makes it possible to create a T statically without needing to call newBuilder() on an instance. For example, calling Struct.newBuilder(). In this case, there will be no default values set for each field, making it necessary for the caller to set all the fields in the struct.

  12. case class SuccessfulResponse[In, Out](input: In, response: Buf, result: Out) extends RichResponse[In, Out] with Product with Serializable


    A SuccessfulResponse represents a successful response.

    A SuccessfulResponse represents a successful response.


    a result contains deserialized successful response


    while this is a public API, it is only intended for use by the generated code.

  13. final class TArrayByteTransport extends TTransport

  14. case class TFieldBlob(field: TField, content: Buf) extends Product with Serializable


    This class encapsulates a TField reference with a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob.

  15. class TLazyBinaryProtocol extends TBinaryProtocol with LazyTProtocol

  16. case class TReusableBuffer(initialSize: Int = 512, maxThriftBufferSize: Int = 16 * 1024) extends Product with Serializable


    This is a per-thread managed resource and must be reset after use

    This is a per-thread managed resource and must be reset after use

    import com.twitter.scrooge.TReusableBuffer
    class Example {
      private[this] val reusableBuffer = new TReusableBuffer()
      def someMethod(): Unit = {
        val buffer = reusableBuffer.get()
        try {
          // code that uses buffer
        } finally {

    The initial buffer size, default is 512.


    The buffer will reset if it exceeds max buffer size, default is 16K.

  17. class TReusableMemoryTransport extends TTransport


    A version of TMemoryTransport that allows for reuse in order to minimize object allocations.

  18. trait ThriftEnum extends TEnum

  19. trait ThriftEnumObject[T <: ThriftEnum] extends AnyRef

  20. trait ThriftException extends Exception

  21. case class ThriftExceptionResponse[In, Out](input: In, response: Buf, ex: ThriftException) extends RichResponse[In, Out] with Product with Serializable


    A ThriftExceptionResponse represents a response which throws thrift application exceptions defined in IDL.

    A ThriftExceptionResponse represents a response which throws thrift application exceptions defined in IDL.


    the thrift application exception


    while this is a public API, it is only intended for use by the generated code.

  22. trait ThriftMethod extends ThriftMethodIface


    Metadata for a method for a Thrift service.

    Metadata for a method for a Thrift service.

    Comments below will use this example IDL:

    service ExampleService {
      i32 boringMethod(
        1: i32 input1,
        2: string input2
  23. abstract class ThriftMethodIface extends AnyRef


    Abstract ThriftMethod interface for Java thrift methods.

  24. trait ThriftResponse[Result] extends AnyRef

  25. trait ThriftStruct extends ThriftStructIface

  26. trait ThriftStructCodec[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef


    A trait encapsulating the logic for encoding and decoding a specific thrift struct type.

  27. abstract class ThriftStructCodec3[T <: ThriftStruct] extends ThriftStructCodec[T]


    Introduced as a backwards compatible API bridge in Scrooge 3.

    Introduced as a backwards compatible API bridge in Scrooge 3. Scala generated structs extend from this class.

    See also


  28. abstract class ThriftStructField[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef


    Field information and a generic way to access the field value.

    Field information and a generic way to access the field value. The ThriftStructField is defined in the generated struct's companion object in order to avoid using reflection to access the field value. If the struct is being created in another way (i.e. not generated through scrooge) the fields will be defined via reflection in PopulateMetaDataWithReflection.getFieldsWithReflection.

  29. final class ThriftStructFieldInfo extends AnyRef


    Field information to be embedded in a generated struct's companion class.

    Field information to be embedded in a generated struct's companion class. Allows for reflection on field types.

  30. trait ThriftStructIface extends AnyRef

  31. final class ThriftStructMetaData[T <: ThriftStruct] extends AnyRef


    A simple class for generic introspection on ThriftStruct classes.

  32. trait ThriftUnion extends AnyRef


    Unions are tagged with this trait as well as with ThriftStruct.

  33. final class ThriftUnionFieldInfo[UnionFieldType <: ThriftUnion with ThriftStruct, ContainedType] extends AnyRef


    Field information to be embedded in a generated union's companion class.

    Field information to be embedded in a generated union's companion class.


    The type of the union field represented by this class


    The type of the value contained in the union field represented by this class

  34. trait ValidatingThriftStruct[T <: ThriftStruct] extends ThriftStruct with HasThriftStructCodec3[T]


    This trait extends from HasThriftStructCodec3 and ThriftStruct.

    This trait extends from HasThriftStructCodec3 and ThriftStruct. It should be safe to call "validatingStruct._codec.validateNewInstance(validatingStruct)" on any validatingStruct that implements ValidatingThriftStruct. We take advantage of this fact in the validateField method in ValidatingThriftStructCodec3.

    A method could be added to this trait that does this (with more type safety), but we want to avoid adding unnecessary methods to thrift structs.

  35. abstract class ValidatingThriftStructCodec3[T <: ThriftStruct] extends ThriftStructCodec3[T]


Value Members

  1. val AsClosableMethodName: String


    A string representing reserved method name asClosable

  2. object Request

  3. object Response

  4. object TArrayByteTransport


    TArrayByteTransport decodes Array[Byte] to primitive types This is a replacement transport optimized for Array[Byte] and the TLazyBinaryProtocol

    TArrayByteTransport decodes Array[Byte] to primitive types This is a replacement transport optimized for Array[Byte] and the TLazyBinaryProtocol

    NB. This class/transport is not thread safe, and contains mutable state.

  5. object TFieldBlob extends Serializable

  6. object TLazyBinaryProtocol


    This is an implementation of the LazyTProtocol trait in scrooge-core This is not thread safe and maintains state.

    This is an implementation of the LazyTProtocol trait in scrooge-core This is not thread safe and maintains state. It also heavily uses inline annotations and marks things as final where possible to avoid virtual indirects. Its in a benchmark package as a POC, we may want to do something a bit different when it comes to a version for scrooge-serializer or elsewhere. Though it is a fully functional protocol that will deserialize/serialize any thrift.

  7. object TReusableMemoryTransport

  8. object ThriftResponse

  9. object ThriftStruct

  10. object ThriftUtil

  11. package adapt

  12. package internal

  13. package validation


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
