

package scalding

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. scalding
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type FactoryInput = (Interval[Timestamp], Mode)

  2. type FailureReason = String

  3. type FlowInput = (FlowDef, Mode)

  4. type FlowProducer[+T] = Reader[(FlowDef, Mode), T]

  5. type FlowToPipe[+T] = Reader[(FlowDef, Mode), TimedPipe[T]]

  6. type KeyValuePipe[+K, +V] = TypedPipe[(Timestamp, (K, V))]

  7. class LocalIterableSource[+T] extends IterableSource[T]

  8. class LoopState[T] extends WaitingState[T]

  9. class MockMappable[T] extends scalding.Source with Mappable[T]

  10. type PipeFactory[+T] = StateWithError[(Interval[Timestamp], Mode), List[FailureReason], FlowToPipe[T]]

  11. type PlannerOutput[+T] = StateWithError[(Interval[Timestamp], Mode), List[FailureReason], T]

  12. class TestService[K, V] extends BatchedService[K, V]

  13. class TestSink[T] extends Sink[T]

    This is a test sink that assumes single threaded testing with cascading local mode

  14. class TestStore[K, V] extends BatchedStore[K, V]

  15. class TestStoreService[K, V] extends StoreService[K, V]

  16. type TimedPipe[+T] = TypedPipe[(Timestamp, T)]

  17. type Try[+T] = Either[List[FailureReason], T]

Value Members

  1. val ScaldingConfig: BatchConfig.type

  2. object TestSource

  3. object TestStore extends Serializable

  4. object TestStoreService extends Serializable

  5. object TestUtil

  6. implicit def flowDefFromTuple(implicit fm: (FlowDef, Mode)): FlowDef

  7. implicit def modeFromTuple(implicit fm: (FlowDef, Mode)): Mode

  8. implicit def toPipeFactoryOps[T](pipeF: PipeFactory[T]): PipeFactoryOps[T]

  9. def toTry(e: Throwable, msg: String): Try[Nothing]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
