

package storm

Package containing the Summingbird Storm platform.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. storm
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class BaseBolt extends IRichBolt

  2. class CollectorMergeableStore[K, V] extends MergeableStore[(K, Tuple, BatchID), V]

    CollectorMergeableStore merges (K, BatchID) -> V into the underlying store by way of a storm topology.

  3. sealed trait FMItem extends AnyRef

    Object containing helper functions to build up the list of storm operations that can potentially be optimized.

  4. case class FactoryCell(factory: StoreFactory[_, _]) extends FMItem with Product with Serializable

  5. class FinalFlatMapBolt[Event, Key, Value] extends BaseBolt

  6. case class FlatMap(op: FlatMapOperation[_, _]) extends FMItem with Product with Serializable

  7. trait FlatMapOperation[-T, +U] extends Serializable with Closeable

  8. class FunctionFlatMapOperation[T, U] extends FlatMapOperation[T, U]

  9. case class FutureQueue[T](init: Future[T], maxLength: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Maintains a rolling window of futures.

  10. class IntermediateFlatMapBolt[T] extends BaseBolt

    This bolt is used for intermediate flatMapping before a grouping.

  11. class LocalStorm extends Storm

  12. case class MergeableStoreSupplier[K, V](store: () ⇒ MergeableStore[(K, BatchID), V], batcher: Batcher) extends StormStore[K, V] with Product with Serializable

  13. trait OnlineSink[-Event] extends (Event) ⇒ Future[Unit]

    Represents a location to which intermediate results of the "flatMap" operation can be written for consumption by other jobs.

  14. case class OptionMap[T, U](op: (T) ⇒ Option[U]) extends FMItem with Product with Serializable

  15. class RemoteStorm extends Storm

  16. class SinkBolt[Key, Value] extends BaseBolt

    The SinkBolt takes two related options: CacheSize and MaxWaitingFutures.

  17. type StoreFactory[K, V] = () ⇒ ReadableStore[K, V]

  18. case class StoreWrapper[K, V](store: () ⇒ ReadableStore[K, V]) extends StormService[K, V] with Product with Serializable

  19. abstract class Storm extends Platform[Storm]

  20. case class StormMetric[T <: IMetric](metric: T, name: String, interval: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

    Necessary info for registering a metric in storm "interval" is period over which the metric will be aggregated

  21. sealed trait StormService[-K, +V] extends AnyRef

  22. sealed trait StormStore[-K, V] extends AnyRef

  23. class SummingbirdKryoFactory extends ScalaKryoFactory

  24. class WriteOperation[T] extends FlatMapOperation[T, T]

Value Members

  1. object ConfigBijection extends Bijection[Map[String, AnyRef], Config]

    Converts a scala map to and from a storm Config instance.

  2. object Constants

  3. object EmptyOnlineSink extends OnlineSink[Any]

  4. object FMItem

  5. object FlatMapOperation extends Serializable

  6. object MergeableStoreSupplier extends Serializable

  7. object OnlineSink

  8. object Storm

  9. object SummingbirdKryoFactory

  10. package option

  11. package spout

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
