

package util

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ImmutableLRU[K, V] extends AnyRef

    "map" is the backing store used to hold key->(index,value) pairs.

    "map" is the backing store used to hold key->(index,value) pairs. The index tracks the access time for a particular key. "ord" is used to determine the Least-Recently-Used key in "map" by taking the minimum index.

  2. case class JMapWrapper[A, B](underlying: Map[A, B]) extends JMapWrapperLike[A, B, JMapWrapper[A, B]] with Product with Serializable

  3. trait JMapWrapperLike[A, B, +Repr <: MapLike[A, B, Repr] with Map[A, B]] extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, Repr]

  4. class LruMap[K, V] extends JMapWrapper[K, V]

  5. class MapToSetAdapter[A] extends Set[A]

  6. class SynchronizedLruMap[K, V] extends LruMap[K, V] with SynchronizedMap[K, V]

Value Members

  1. object ImmutableLRU

  2. object LruMap extends Serializable

  3. object SetMaker

  4. val StorageUnitConversions: storage.type

  5. val TimeConversions: time.type

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
