

Related Docs: object Future | package util

abstract class Future[+A] extends Awaitable[A]

A computation evaluated asynchronously. This implementation of Future does not assume any concrete implementation; in particular, it does not couple the user to a specific executor or event loop.

Futures are also com.twitter.util.Cancellable, but with special semantics: the cancellation signal is only guaranteed to be delivered when the promise has not yet completed.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Future
  2. Awaitable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Instance Constructors

  1. new Future()

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def isReady(implicit permit: CanAwait): Boolean

    Is this Awaitable ready? In other words: would calling Awaitable.ready block?

    Is this Awaitable ready? In other words: would calling Awaitable.ready block?

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def poll: Option[Try[A]]

    Polls for an available result.

    Polls for an available result. If the Future has been satisfied, returns Some(result), otherwise None.

  3. abstract def raise(interrupt: Throwable): Unit

    Raise the given throwable as an interrupt.

    Raise the given throwable as an interrupt. Interrupts are one-shot and latest-interrupt wins. That is, the last interrupt to have been raised is delivered exactly once to the Promise responsible for making progress on the future (multiple such promises may be involved in flatMap chains).

    Raising an interrupt does not alter the externally observable state of the Future. They are used to signal to the producer of the future's value that the result is no longer desired (for whatever reason given in the passed Throwable).

  4. abstract def ready(timeout: Duration)(implicit permit: CanAwait): Future.this.type

    Support for Await.ready.

    Support for Await.ready. The use of the implicit permit is an access control mechanism: only Await.ready may call this method.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[TimeoutException] ) @throws( classOf[InterruptedException] )
  5. abstract def respond(k: (Try[A]) ⇒ Unit): Future[A]

    When the computation completes, invoke the given callback function.

    When the computation completes, invoke the given callback function.

    The returned Future will be satisfied when this, the original future, is done.

    This method is most useful for very generic code (like libraries). Otherwise, it is a best practice to use one of the alternatives (onSuccess, onFailure, etc.).


    the side-effect to apply when the computation completes. The value of the input to k will be the result of the computation to this future.


    a chained Future[A]


    this should be used for side-effects.

    See also

    ensure if you are not interested in the result of the computation.

    transform to produce a new Future from the result of the computation.

  6. abstract def result(timeout: Duration)(implicit permit: CanAwait): A

    Support for Await.result.

    Support for Await.result. The use of the implicit permit is an access control mechanism: only Await.result may call this method.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[Exception] )
  7. abstract def transform[B](f: (Try[A]) ⇒ Future[B]): Future[B]

    When this future completes, run f on that completed result whether or not this computation was successful.

    When this future completes, run f on that completed result whether or not this computation was successful.

    The returned Future will be satisfied when this, the original future, and f are done.

    See also

    handle and rescue for dealing strictly with exceptional computations.

    map and flatMap for dealing strictly with successful computations.

    respond for purely side-effecting callbacks.

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def addEventListener(listener: FutureEventListener[_ >: A]): Future[A]

    Register a FutureEventListener to be invoked when the computation completes.

    Register a FutureEventListener to be invoked when the computation completes. This method is typically used by Java programs because it avoids the use of small Function objects.

    Compare this method to transformedBy. The difference is that addEventListener is used to perform a simple action when a computation completes, such as recording data in a log-file. It analogous to a void method in Java: it has side-effects and no return value. transformedBy, on the other hand, is used to transform values from one type to another, or to chain a series of asynchronous calls and return the result. It is analogous to methods in Java that have a return-type. Note that transformedBy and addEventListener are not mutually exclusive and may be profitably combined.

  5. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  6. def before[B](f: ⇒ Future[B])(implicit ev: <:<[Future.this.type, Future[Unit]]): Future[B]

    Sequentially compose this with f.

    Sequentially compose this with f. This is as flatMap, but discards the result of this. Note that this applies only Unit-valued Futures — i.e. side-effects.

  7. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  8. def delayed(howlong: Duration)(implicit timer: Timer): Future[A]

    Delay the completion of this Future for at least howlong from now.

  9. def ensure(f: ⇒ Unit): Future[A]

    Invoked regardless of whether the computation completed successfully or unsuccessfully.

    Invoked regardless of whether the computation completed successfully or unsuccessfully. Implemented in terms of respond so that subclasses control evaluation order. Returns a chained Future.

    The returned Future will be satisfied when this, the original future, is done.


    the side-effect to apply when the computation completes.


    this should be used for side-effects.

    See also

    respond if you need the result of the computation for usage in the side-effect.

  10. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  11. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def filter(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Future[A]

  13. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  14. def flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ Future[B]): Future[B]

    If this, the original future, succeeds, run f on the result.

    If this, the original future, succeeds, run f on the result.

    The returned result is a Future that is satisfied when the original future and the callback, f, are done. If the original future fails, this one will also fail, without executing f and preserving the failed computation of this.

    See also


  15. def flatten[B](implicit ev: <:<[A, Future[B]]): Future[B]

    Converts a Future[Future[B]] into a Future[B]

  16. def foreach(k: (A) ⇒ Unit): Future[A]

    Invoke the callback only if the Future returns successfully.

    Invoke the callback only if the Future returns successfully. Useful for Scala for comprehensions. Use onSuccess instead of this method for more readable code.

    See also


  17. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  18. def handle[B >: A](rescueException: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): Future[B]

    If this, the original future, results in an exceptional computation, rescueException may convert the failure into a new result.

    If this, the original future, results in an exceptional computation, rescueException may convert the failure into a new result.

    The returned result is a Future that is satisfied when the original future and the callback, rescueException, are done.

    This is the equivalent of map for failed computations.

    See also


  19. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. def interruptible(): Future[A]

    Makes a derivative Future which will be satisfied with the result of the parent.

    Makes a derivative Future which will be satisfied with the result of the parent. However, if it's interrupted, it will detach from the parent Future, satisfy itself with the exception raised to it, and won't propagate the interruption back to the parent Future.

    This is useful for when a Future is shared between many contexts, where it may not be useful to discard the underlying computation if just one context is no longer interested in the result. In particular, this is different from Future#masked in that it will prevent memory leaks if the parent Future will never be satisfied, because closures that are attached to this derivative Future will not be held onto by the killer Future.

  21. def isDefined: Boolean

    Is the result of the Future available yet?

  22. def isDone(implicit ev: <:<[Future.this.type, Future[Unit]]): Boolean

    Checks whether a Unit-typed Future is done.

    Checks whether a Unit-typed Future is done. By convention, futures of type Future[Unit] are used for signalling.

  23. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  24. def join[B](other: Future[B]): Future[(A, B)]

    Combines two Futures into one Future of the Tuple of the two results.

  25. def liftToTry: Future[Try[A]]

    Returns the result of the computation as a Future[Try[A]].

  26. def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): Future[B]

    If this, the original future, succeeds, run f on the result.

    If this, the original future, succeeds, run f on the result.

    The returned result is a Future that is satisfied when the original future and the callback, f, are done. If the original future fails, this one will also fail, without executing f and preserving the failed computation of this.

    See also

    onSuccess for side-effecting chained computations.

    flatMap for computations that return Futures.

  27. def mask(pred: PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean]): Future[A]

    Returns an identical future except that it ignores interrupts which match a predicate

  28. def masked: Future[A]

    Returns an identical future that ignores all interrupts

  29. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  31. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  32. def onFailure(fn: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): Future[A]

    Invoke the function on the error, if the computation was unsuccessful.

    Invoke the function on the error, if the computation was unsuccessful. Returns a chained Future as in respond.


    chained Future


    if fn is a PartialFunction and the input is not defined for a given Throwable, the resulting MatchError will propogate to the current Monitor. This will happen if you use a construct such as future.onFailure { case NonFatal(e) => ... } when the Throwable is "fatal".


    this should be used for side-effects.

    See also

    handle and rescue to produce a new Future from the result of the computation.

  33. def onSuccess(f: (A) ⇒ Unit): Future[A]

    Invoke the function on the result, if the computation was successful.

    Invoke the function on the result, if the computation was successful. Returns a chained Future as in respond.


    chained Future


    this should be used for side-effects.

    See also

    flatMap and map to produce a new Future from the result of the computation.

  34. def or[U >: A](other: Future[U]): Future[U]

    A synonym for select: Choose the first Future to be satisfied.

  35. def proxyTo[B >: A](other: Promise[B]): Unit

    Send updates from this Future to the other.

    Send updates from this Future to the other. other must not yet be satisfied at the time of the call. After this call, nobody else should satisfy other.

    Note: using proxyTo will mask interrupts to this future, and it's the user's responsibility to set an interrupt handler on other to raise on f. In some cases, using com.twitter.util.Promise.become may be more appropriate.

  36. def raiseWithin(timer: Timer, timeout: Duration, exc: Throwable): Future[A]

    Returns a new Future that will error if this Future does not return in time.

    Returns a new Future that will error if this Future does not return in time.

    Note: On timeout, the underlying future is interrupted.

  37. def raiseWithin(timeout: Duration, exc: Throwable)(implicit timer: Timer): Future[A]

    Same as the other raiseWithin, but with an implicit timer.

    Same as the other raiseWithin, but with an implicit timer. Sometimes this is more convenient.

    Note: On timeout, the underlying future is interrupted.

  38. def raiseWithin(timeout: Duration)(implicit timer: Timer): Future[A]

    Same as the other raiseWithin, but with an implicit timer.

    Same as the other raiseWithin, but with an implicit timer. Sometimes this is more convenient.

    Note: On timeout, the underlying future is interrupted.

  39. def rescue[B >: A](rescueException: PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[B]]): Future[B]

    If this, the original future, results in an exceptional computation, rescueException may convert the failure into a new result.

    If this, the original future, results in an exceptional computation, rescueException may convert the failure into a new result.

    The returned result is a Future that is satisfied when the original future and the callback, rescueException, are done.

    This is the equivalent of flatMap for failed computations.

    See also


  40. def select[U >: A](other: Future[U]): Future[U]

    Choose the first Future to be satisfied.

    Choose the first Future to be satisfied.


    another Future


    a new Future whose result is that of the first of this and other to return

  41. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  42. def toJavaFuture: java.util.concurrent.Future[_ <: A]

    Convert a Twitter Future to a Java native Future.

    Convert a Twitter Future to a Java native Future. This should match the semantics of a Java Future as closely as possible to avoid issues with the way another API might use them. See:

  43. def toOffer: Offer[Try[A]]

    An offer for this future.

    An offer for this future. The offer is activated when the future is satisfied.

  44. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  45. def transformedBy[B](transformer: FutureTransformer[A, B]): Future[B]

    Transform the Future[A] into a Future[B] using the FutureTransformer.

    Transform the Future[A] into a Future[B] using the FutureTransformer. The FutureTransformer handles both success (Return) and failure (Throw) values by implementing map/flatMap and handle/rescue. This method is typically used by Java programs because it avoids the use of small Function objects.

    Compare this method to addEventListener. The difference is that addEventListener is used to perform a simple action when a computation completes, such as recording data in a log-file. It analogous to a void method in Java: it has side-effects and no return value. transformedBy, on the other hand, is used to transform values from one type to another, or to chain a series of asynchronous calls and return the result. It is analogous to methods in Java that have a return-type. Note that transformedBy and addEventListener are not mutually exclusive and may be profitably combined.

    Note: The FutureTransformer must implement either flatMap or map and may optionally implement handle. Failing to implement a method will result in a run-time (AbstractMethod) error.

  46. def unit: Future[Unit]

    Convert this Future[A] to a Future[Unit] by discarding the result.

  47. def voided: Future[Void]

    Convert this Future[A] to a Future[Void] by discarding the result.

  48. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  49. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  50. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  51. def willEqual[B](that: Future[B]): Future[Boolean]

    Returns a Future[Boolean] indicating whether two Futures are equivalent.

    Returns a Future[Boolean] indicating whether two Futures are equivalent. Note that Future.exception(e).willEqual(Future.exception(e)) == Future.value(true).

  52. def withFilter(p: (A) ⇒ Boolean): Future[A]

  53. def within(timer: Timer, timeout: Duration, exc: ⇒ Throwable): Future[A]

    Returns a new Future that will error if this Future does not return in time.

    Returns a new Future that will error if this Future does not return in time.

    Note: On timeout, the underlying future is not interrupted.


    to run timeout on.


    indicates how long you are willing to wait for the result to be available.


    exception to throw.

  54. def within(timer: Timer, timeout: Duration): Future[A]

    Returns a new Future that will error if this Future does not return in time.

    Returns a new Future that will error if this Future does not return in time.

    Note: On timeout, the underlying future is not interrupted.

  55. def within(timeout: Duration)(implicit timer: Timer): Future[A]

    Same as the other within, but with an implicit timer.

    Same as the other within, but with an implicit timer. Sometimes this is more convenient.

    Note: On timeout, the underlying future is not interrupted.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def apply(timeout: Duration): A

    Block, but only as long as the given timeout, for the result of the Future to be available.

    Block, but only as long as the given timeout, for the result of the Future to be available.


    (Since version 6.2.x) Use Await.result

  2. def apply(): A

    Block indefinitely, wait for the result of the Future to be available.

    Block indefinitely, wait for the result of the Future to be available.


    (Since version 6.2.x) Use Await.result

  3. def cancel(): Unit


    (Since version 6.0.0) Provided for API compatibility; use raise() instead.

  4. final def get(timeout: Duration): Try[A]

    Demands that the result of the future be available within timeout.

    Demands that the result of the future be available within timeout. The result is a Return[_] or Throw[_] depending upon whether the computation finished in time.


    (Since version 6.2.x) Use Await.result(future.liftToTry)

  5. def get(): A

    Alias for apply().

    Alias for apply().


    (Since version 6.2.x) Use Await.result

  6. def isReturn: Boolean


    (Since version 6.2.x) Use Await.result(future.liftToTry).isReturn

  7. def isThrow: Boolean


    (Since version 6.2.x) Use Await.result(future.liftToTry).isThrow

  8. def void: Future[Void]


    (Since version 5.x) 'void' is a reserved word in javac.

Inherited from Awaitable[A]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
