

package jvm

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ContentionSnapshot extends AnyRef

    A thread contention summary.

  2. case class CpuProfile(counts: Map[Seq[StackTraceElement], Long], duration: Duration, count: Int, missed: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    A CPU profile.

  3. trait Estimator[T] extends AnyRef

    An estimator for values of type T.

  4. case class Gc(count: Long, name: String, timestamp: Time, duration: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class GcPredictor extends AnyRef

    A Gc predictor.

  6. case class Heap(allocated: Long, tenuringThreshold: Long, ageHisto: Seq[Long]) extends Product with Serializable

  7. class Heapster extends AnyRef

    Support for heapster profiling (google perftools compatible):

  8. class Hotspot extends Jvm

  9. trait Jvm extends AnyRef

    Access JVM internal performance counters.

  10. class Kalman extends AnyRef

    A simple Kalman filter to estimate a scalar value.

  11. class KalmanGaussianError extends Kalman with Estimator[Double]

    A Kalman filter in which measurement errors are normally distributed over the given range (as a fraction of the measured value).

  12. class LoadAverage extends Estimator[Double]

    Unix-like load average, an exponentially weighted moving average, smoothed to the given interval (counted in number of measurements).

  13. trait Pool extends AnyRef

    A handle to a garbage collected memory pool.

  14. case class PoolState(numCollections: Long, capacity: StorageUnit, used: StorageUnit) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class Snapshot(timestamp: Time, heap: Heap, lastGcs: Seq[Gc]) extends Product with Serializable

  16. class WindowedMeans extends Estimator[Double]

    An estimator for weighted windows of means.

Value Members

  1. object CpuProfile extends Serializable

  2. object EstimatorTest extends App

    Take a GC log produced by:

  3. object Heapster

  4. object Jvm

  5. object NilJvm extends Jvm

  6. object Opt

    Retrieve the named JVM option.
