Package akka.routing

Interface Summary
BroadcastLike The core pieces of the routing logic is located in this trait to be able to extend.
ConsistentHashingLike The core pieces of the routing logic is located in this trait to be able to extend.
ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashable If you don't define the hashMapping when constructing the ConsistentHashingRouter the messages need to implement this interface to define what data to use for the consistent hash key.
ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapper JAVA API Mapping from message to the data to use for the consistent hash key.
CustomRoute Java API helper for creating a single-destination routing.
Listeners Listeners is a generic trait to implement listening capability on an Actor.
RandomLike The core pieces of the routing logic is located in this trait to be able to extend.
Resizer Routers with dynamically resizable number of routees is implemented by providing a Resizer implementation in RouterConfig.
RoundRobinLike The core pieces of the routing logic is located in this trait to be able to extend.
Router Base trait for Router actors.
RouterConfig This trait represents a router factory: it produces the actual router actor and creates the routing table (a function which determines the recipients for each message which is to be dispatched).
RouterEnvelope Only the contained message will be forwarded to the destination, i.e. the envelope will be stripped off.
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedLike The core pieces of the routing logic is located in this trait to be able to extend.
SmallestMailboxLike The core pieces of the routing logic is located in this trait to be able to extend.

Class Summary
Broadcast Used to broadcast a message to all connections in a router; only the contained message will be forwarded, i.e. the Broadcast(...)
BroadcastRouter A Router that uses broadcasts a message to all its connections.
ConsistentHash<T> Consistent Hashing node ring implementation.
ConsistentHashingRouter A Router that uses consistent hashing to select a connection based on the sent message.
ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashableEnvelope If you don't define the hashMapping when constructing the ConsistentHashingRouter and messages can't implement ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashable themselves they can we wrapped by this envelope instead.
CurrentRoutees Sending this message to a router will make it send back its currently used routees.
CustomRouterConfig Java API for a custom router factory.
DefaultResizer Creates a new DefaultResizer from the given configuration
Destination For every message sent to a router, its route determines a set of destinations, where for each recipient a different sender may be specified; typically the sender should match the sender of the original request, but e.g. the scatter- gather router needs to receive the replies with an AskActorRef instead.
FromConfig Java API: Router configuration which has no default, i.e. external configuration is required.
FromConfig$ Router configuration which has no default, i.e. external configuration is required.
MurmurHash An object designed to generate well-distributed non-cryptographic hashes.
MurmurHash$ An object designed to generate well-distributed non-cryptographic hashes.
NoRouter Routing configuration that indicates no routing; this is also the default value which hence overrides the merge strategy in order to accept values from lower-precedence sources.
RandomRouter A Router that randomly selects one of the target connections to send a message to.
RoundRobinRouter A Router that uses round-robin to select a connection.
RouteeProvider Factory and registry for routees of the router.
RouterRoutees Message used to carry information about what routees the router is currently using.
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter Simple router that broadcasts the message to all routees, and replies with the first response.
SmallestMailboxRouter A Router that tries to send to the non-suspended routee with fewest messages in mailbox.