Produces a Future with the specified endpoint that will be completed when the endpoint has been activated, or if it times out, which will happen after the specified Timeout.
Produces a Future with the specified endpoint that will be completed when the endpoint has been activated, or if it times out, which will happen after the specified Timeout.
the endpoint to be activated
the timeout for the Future
Produces a Future which will be completed when the given endpoint has been deactivated or or if it times out, which will happen after the specified Timeout.
Produces a Future which will be completed when the given endpoint has been deactivated or or if it times out, which will happen after the specified Timeout.
the endpoint to be deactivated
the timeout of the Future
Activation trait that can be used to wait on activation or de-activation of Camel endpoints. The Camel endpoints are activated asynchronously. This trait can signal when an endpoint is activated or de-activated.