How long the actor should wait for activation before it fails.
Determines whether one-way communications between an endpoint and this consumer actor should be auto-acknowledged or application-acknowledged.
Determines whether one-way communications between an endpoint and this consumer actor should be auto-acknowledged or application-acknowledged. This flag has only effect when exchange is in-only.
INTERNAL API Returns a akka.camel.Camel trait which provides access to the CamelExtension.
INTERNAL API Returns a akka.camel.Camel trait which provides access to the CamelExtension.
Returns the CamelContext.
Returns the CamelContext. The camelContext is defined implicit for simplifying the use of CamelMessage from the Scala API.
Java API: Returns the akka.dispatch.Mapper function that will be used as a route definition handler for creating custom route to this consumer.
Java API: Returns the akka.dispatch.Mapper function that will be used as a route definition handler for creating custom route to this consumer. By default it returns an identity function, override this method to return a custom route definition handler. The akka.dispatch.Mapper is not allowed to close over 'this', meaning it is not allowed to refer to the actor instance itself, since that can easily cause concurrent shared state issues.
Returns the route definition handler for creating a custom route to this consumer.
Returns the route definition handler for creating a custom route to this consumer. By default it returns an identity function, override this method to return a custom route definition handler. The returned function is not allowed to close over 'this', meaning it is not allowed to refer to the actor instance itself, since that can easily cause concurrent shared state issues.
Registers the consumer endpoint.
Registers the consumer endpoint. Note: when overriding this method, be sure to call 'super.preRestart', otherwise the consumer endpoint will not be registered.
When endpoint is out-capable (can produce responses) replyTimeout is the maximum time the endpoint can take to send the response before the message exchange fails.
When endpoint is out-capable (can produce responses) replyTimeout is the maximum time the endpoint can take to send the response before the message exchange fails. It defaults to 1 minute. This setting is used for out-capable, in-only, manually acknowledged communication.
Mixed in by Actor implementations that consume message from Camel endpoints.
(Since version 2.5.0) Akka Camel is deprecated in favour of 'Alpakka', the Akka Streams based collection of integrations to various endpoints (including Camel).