

package model

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Type Members

  1. final case class BodyPart(entity: BodyPartEntity, headers: Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Model for one part of a multipart message.

  2. sealed trait BodyPartEntity extends HttpEntity with model.japi.BodyPartEntity

  3. sealed trait ByteContentRange extends model.japi.ContentRange with ContentRange

  4. sealed trait ContentRange extends model.japi.ContentRange with ValueRenderable

  5. final case class ContentType(mediaType: MediaType, definedCharset: Option[HttpCharset]) extends model.japi.ContentType with ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  6. final case class ContentTypeRange(mediaRange: MediaRange, charsetRange: HttpCharsetRange) extends ValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

  7. final case class ErrorInfo(summary: String = "", detail: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

    Two-level model of error information.

    Two-level model of error information. The summary should explain what is wrong with the request or response *without* directly repeating anything present in the message itself (in order to not open holes for XSS attacks), while the detail can contain additional information from any source (even the request itself).

  8. abstract case class ExceptionWithErrorInfo(info: ErrorInfo) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    Marker for exceptions that provide an ErrorInfo

  9. final case class FormData(fields: Query) extends Product with Serializable

    Model for application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data.

  10. final case class FormFile(name: Option[String], entity: BodyPartEntity) extends Product with Serializable

  11. final case class HttpCharset extends model.japi.HttpCharset with SingletonValueRenderable with WithQValue[HttpCharsetRange] with Product with Serializable

  12. sealed abstract class HttpCharsetRange extends model.japi.HttpCharsetRange with ValueRenderable with WithQValue[HttpCharsetRange]

    A charset range as encountered in Accept-Charset.

    A charset range as encountered in Accept-Charset. Can either be a single charset, or * if all charsets are supported and optionally a qValue for selecting this choice.

  13. sealed trait HttpEntity extends model.japi.HttpEntity

    Models the entity (aka "body" or "content) of an HTTP message.

  14. abstract class HttpHeader extends model.japi.HttpHeader with ToStringRenderable

    The model of an HTTP header.

    The model of an HTTP header. In its most basic form headers are simple name-value pairs. Header names are compared in a case-insensitive way.

  15. sealed trait HttpMessage extends model.japi.HttpMessage

    Common base class of HttpRequest and HttpResponse.

  16. final case class HttpMethod extends model.japi.HttpMethod with SingletonValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

    The method of an HTTP request.

  17. final case class HttpProtocol extends model.japi.HttpProtocol with SingletonValueRenderable with Product with Serializable

    The protocol of an HTTP message

  18. final case class HttpRequest(method: HttpMethod = HttpMethods.GET, uri: Uri = Uri./, headers: Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil, entity: RequestEntity = HttpEntity.Empty, protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1`) extends model.japi.HttpRequest with HttpMessage with Product with Serializable

    The immutable model HTTP request model.

  19. final case class HttpResponse(status: StatusCode = StatusCodes.OK, headers: Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil, entity: ResponseEntity = HttpEntity.Empty, protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1`) extends model.japi.HttpResponse with HttpMessage with Product with Serializable

    The immutable HTTP response model.

  20. class IllegalHeaderException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  21. class IllegalRequestException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  22. class IllegalUriException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  23. class InvalidContentLengthException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  24. sealed abstract class MediaRange extends model.japi.MediaRange with Renderable with WithQValue[MediaRange]

  25. sealed abstract case class MediaType extends model.japi.MediaType with LazyValueBytesRenderable with WithQValue[MediaRange] with Product with Serializable

  26. type MessageEntity = RequestEntity

    An entity that can be used for every HttpMessage, i.e.

    An entity that can be used for every HttpMessage, i.e. for requests and responses.

  27. final case class MultipartByteRanges(parts: Source[BodyPart]) extends MultipartParts with Product with Serializable

    Model for multipart/byteranges content as defined in RFC 2046.

    Model for multipart/byteranges content as defined in RFC 2046. If you are looking for a model for multipart/form-data you should be using MultipartFormData.

  28. final case class MultipartContent(parts: Source[BodyPart]) extends MultipartParts with Product with Serializable

    Basic model for multipart content as defined in RFC 2046.

    Basic model for multipart content as defined in RFC 2046. If you are looking for a model for multipart/form-data you should be using MultipartFormData.

  29. case class MultipartFormData(parts: Source[BodyPart]) extends MultipartParts with Product with Serializable

    Model for multipart/form-data content as defined in RFC 2388.

    Model for multipart/form-data content as defined in RFC 2388. All parts must contain a Content-Disposition header with a type form-data and a name parameter that is unique.

  30. class MultipartMediaType extends MediaType

  31. trait MultipartParts extends AnyRef

  32. sealed abstract class NonMultipartMediaType extends MediaType

  33. class ParsingException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  34. sealed abstract class RemoteAddress extends model.japi.RemoteAddress with ValueRenderable

  35. sealed trait RequestEntity extends HttpEntity with model.japi.RequestEntity with ResponseEntity

  36. class RequestProcessingException extends ExceptionWithErrorInfo

  37. sealed trait ResponseEntity extends HttpEntity with model.japi.ResponseEntity

  38. sealed abstract class StatusCode extends model.japi.StatusCode with LazyValueBytesRenderable

    The result status code of an HTTP response.

  39. class StrictMultipartFormData extends MultipartFormData

    A specialized MultipartFormData that allows full random access to its parts.

  40. sealed abstract class TransferEncoding extends model.japi.TransferEncoding with Renderable

  41. sealed trait UniversalEntity extends model.japi.UniversalEntity with MessageEntity with BodyPartEntity

  42. sealed abstract case class Uri(scheme: String, authority: Authority, path: Path, query: Query, fragment: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    An immutable model of an internet URI as defined by http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.

    An immutable model of an internet URI as defined by http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986. All members of this class represent the *decoded* URI elements (i.e. without percent-encoding).

  43. trait WithQValue[T] extends AnyRef

    Helper trait for objects that allow creating new instances with a modified qValue.

Value Members

  1. object BodyPart extends Serializable

  2. object ContentRange

  3. object ContentType extends Serializable

  4. object ContentTypeRange extends Serializable

  5. object ContentTypes

  6. object ErrorInfo extends Serializable

  7. object FileBodyPart

    A convenience extractor that allows to match on a BodyPart including its name and filename if the body-part is used as part of form-data.

    A convenience extractor that allows to match on a BodyPart including its name and filename if the body-part is used as part of form-data. If the part has no name an empty string will be extracted, instead. If the part has no filename the extractor won't match.


    (formData: StrictMultipartFormData).fields collect {
    case FileBodyPart("file", filename, data, headers) => filename -> data
  8. object FormData extends Serializable

  9. object FormFile extends Serializable

  10. object HttpCharset extends Serializable

  11. object HttpCharsetRange

  12. object HttpCharsets extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpCharset]

  13. object HttpEntity

  14. object HttpHeader

  15. object HttpMessage

  16. object HttpMethod extends Serializable

  17. object HttpMethods extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpMethod]

  18. object HttpProtocols extends ObjectRegistry[String, HttpProtocol]

  19. object HttpRequest extends Serializable

  20. object MediaRange

  21. object MediaRanges extends ObjectRegistry[String, MediaRange]

  22. object MediaType extends Serializable

  23. object MediaTypes extends ObjectRegistry[(String, String), MediaType]

  24. object MultipartByteRanges extends Serializable

  25. object MultipartContent extends Serializable

  26. object MultipartFormData extends Serializable

  27. object NamedBodyPart

    A convenience extractor that allows to match on a BodyPart including its name if the body-part is used as part of form-data.

    A convenience extractor that allows to match on a BodyPart including its name if the body-part is used as part of form-data. If the part has no name the extractor won't match.


    (formData: StrictMultipartFormData).fields collect {
    case NamedBodyPart("address", data, headers) => data
  28. object RemoteAddress

  29. object StatusCode

  30. object StatusCodes extends ObjectRegistry[Int, StatusCode]

  31. object TransferEncodings

  32. object Uri extends Serializable

  33. object UriRendering

  34. package headers

  35. package japi

  36. package parser

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
