



package scaladsl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ConductRApplicationComponents extends ConductRServiceLocatorComponents with ConductRLifecycleComponents with ProvidesAdditionalConfiguration


    Mixing in this trait to your application cake in prod mode will ensure your application uses the ConductR service locator when this bundle has been invoked by ConductR (otherwise it will fallback to Lagom's configuration based service locator).

    Mixing in this trait to your application cake in prod mode will ensure your application uses the ConductR service locator when this bundle has been invoked by ConductR (otherwise it will fallback to Lagom's configuration based service locator). The trait will load any ConductR specific configuration, and register into the application lifecycle to to notify ConductR that it's started.

    It's important to ensure that your application, if it overrides Lagom's additionalConfiguration, invokes the super implementation and appends its own configuration to that, otherwise it may end up overriding the ConductR provided configuration.

  2. class ConductRServiceLocator extends CircuitBreakingServiceLocator


    ConductRServiceLocator implements Lagom's ServiceLocator by using the ConductR Service Locator.

  3. trait ConductRServiceLocatorComponents extends BundlelibComponents with CircuitBreakerComponents


    Provides the ConductR service locator.
