

package api

Contains the public API for Scala developers.

Access the current Play application
import play.api.Play.current
Read configuration
val poolSize = configuration.getInt("engine.pool.size")
Use the logger"Hello!")
Define a Plugin
class MyPlugin(app: Application) extends Plugin
Create adhoc applications (for testing)
val application = Application(new File("."), this.getClass.getClassloader, None, Play.Mode.DEV)
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. api
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Application extends AnyRef

    A Play application.

    A Play application.

    Application creation is handled by the framework engine.

    If you need to create an ad-hoc application, for example in case of unit testing, you can easily achieve this using:

    val application = new DefaultApplication(new File("."), this.getClass.getClassloader, None, Play.Mode.Dev)

    This will create an application using the current classloader.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  2. trait ApplicationLoader extends AnyRef

    Loads an application.

    Loads an application. This is responsible for instantiating an application given a context.

    Application loaders are expected to instantiate all parts of an application, wiring everything together. They may be manually implemented, if compile time wiring is preferred, or core/third party implementations may be used, for example that provide a runtime dependency injection framework.

    During dev mode, an ApplicationLoader will be instantiated once, and called once, each time the application is reloaded. In prod mode, the ApplicationLoader will be instantiated and called once when the application is started.

    Out of the box Play provides a Java and Scala default implementation based on Guice. The Scala implementation is the play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationLoader.

    A custom application loader can be configured using the application.loader configuration property. Implementations must define a no-arg constructor.

  3. trait BuiltInComponents extends AnyRef

    Helper to provide the Play built in components.

  4. abstract class BuiltInComponentsFromContext extends BuiltInComponents

    Helper that provides all the built in components dependencies from the application loader context

  5. case class Configuration(underlying: Config) extends Product with Serializable

    A full configuration set.

    A full configuration set.

    The underlying implementation is provided by


    the underlying Config implementation

  6. class DefaultApplication extends Application

  7. case class Environment(rootPath: File, classLoader: ClassLoader, mode: Mode.Mode) extends Product with Serializable

    The environment for the application.

    The environment for the application.

    Captures concerns relating to the classloader and the filesystem for the application.


    The root path that the application is deployed at.


    The classloader that all application classes and resources can be loaded from.


    The mode of the application.

  8. class GlobalPlugin extends Deprecated

    The Global plugin executes application's globalSettings onStart and onStop.

    The Global plugin executes application's globalSettings onStart and onStop.

  9. trait GlobalSettings extends AnyRef

    Defines an application’s global settings.

    Defines an application’s global settings.

    To define your own global settings, just create a Global object in the _root_ package.

    object Global extends GlobalSettings {
      override def onStart(app: Application) {"Application is started!!!")
  10. class Logger extends LoggerLike

    A Play logger.

  11. trait LoggerLike extends AnyRef

    Typical logger interface.

  12. class OptionalSourceMapper extends AnyRef

  13. class Plugins extends IndexedSeqLike[Deprecated, IndexedSeq[Deprecated]] with IndexedSeq[Deprecated]

  14. case class UnexpectedException(message: Option[String] = None, unexpected: Option[Throwable] = None) extends PlayException with Product with Serializable

    Generic exception for unexpected error cases.

  15. trait Plugin extends AnyRef

    A Play plugin.

    A Play plugin.

    A plugin must define a single argument constructor that accepts an play.api.Application. For example:

    class MyPlugin(app: Application) extends Plugin {
      override def onStart() = {"Plugin started!")

    The plugin class must be declared in a play.plugins file available in the classpath root:


    The associated int defines the plugin priority.


    (Since version 2.4.0) Use modules instead. See play.api.inject.Module

Value Members

  1. object Application

  2. object ApplicationLoader

  3. object Configuration extends Serializable

    This object provides a set of operations to create Configuration values.

    This object provides a set of operations to create Configuration values.

    For example, to load a Configuration in a running application:

    val config = Configuration.load()
    val foo = config.getString("foo").getOrElse("boo")

    The underlying implementation is provided by

  4. object DefaultGlobal extends GlobalSettings

    The default global settings if not defined in the application.

  5. object Environment extends Serializable

  6. object GlobalSettings

  7. object Logger extends LoggerLike

    High-level API for logging operations.

    High-level API for logging operations.

    For example, logging with the default application logger:"Hello!")

    Logging with a custom logger:

  8. object Mode extends Enumeration

    Application mode, either DEV, TEST, or PROD.

  9. object Play

    High-level API to access Play global features.

    High-level API to access Play global features.

    Note that this API depends on a running application. You can import the currently running application in a scope using:

    import play.api.Play.current
  10. object Plugins

  11. package data

    Contains data manipulation helpers (typically HTTP form handling)

    Contains data manipulation helpers (typically HTTP form handling)

    val taskForm = Form(
        "name" -> text(minLength = 3),
        "dueDate" -> date("yyyy-MM-dd"),
        "done" -> boolean
  12. package http

    Contains standard HTTP constants.

    Contains standard HTTP constants. For example:

    val text = ContentTypes.TEXT
    val ok = Status.OK
    val accept = HeaderNames.ACCEPT
  13. package i18n

    Contains the internationalisation API.

    Contains the internationalisation API.

    For example, translating a message:

    val msgString = Messages("items.found", items.size)
  14. package inject

    Play's runtime dependency injection abstraction.

    Play's runtime dependency injection abstraction.

    Play's runtime dependency injection support is built on JSR-330, which provides a specification for declaring how dependencies get wired to components. JSR-330 however does not address how components are provided to or located by a DI container. Play's API seeks to address this in a DI container agnostic way.

    The reason for providing this abstraction is so that Play, the modules it provides, and third party modules can all express their bindings in a way that is not specific to any one DI container.

    Components are bound in the DI container. Each binding is identified by a BindingKey, which is typically an interface that the component implements, and may be optionally qualified by a JSR-330 qualifier annotation. A binding key is bound to a BindingTarget, which describes how the implementation of the interface that the binding key represents is constructed or provided. Bindings may also be scoped using JSR-330 scope annotations.

    Bindings are provided by instances of Module.

    Out of the box, Play provides an implementation of this abstraction using Guice.

    See also

    The Module class for information on how to provide bindings.

  15. package libs

    Contains various APIs that are useful while developing web applications.

  16. package mvc

    Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

    Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

    For example, a typical controller:

    object Application extends Controller {
      def index = Action {
        Ok("It works!")
  17. package routing

  18. package templates

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Routes


    (Since version 2.4.0) Use play.api.routing.Router instead

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
