

package ssl

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ssl
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class AlgorithmChecker extends PKIXCertPathChecker

    Looks for disabled algorithms in the certificate.

  2. case class AlgorithmConstraint(algorithm: String, constraint: Option[ExpressionSymbol] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  3. sealed abstract class ClientAuth extends AnyRef

    An SSLEngine can either demand, allow or ignore its peer’s authentication (via certificates), where Need will fail the handshake if the peer does not provide valid credentials, Want allows the peer to send credentials and verifies them if provided, and None disables peer certificate verification.

  4. class CompositeCertificateException extends CertificateException

    A certificate exception that contains underlying exceptions.

  5. class CompositeX509KeyManager extends X509ExtendedKeyManager

    A keymanager that wraps other X509 key managers.

  6. class CompositeX509TrustManager extends X509TrustManager

    A trust manager that is a composite of several smaller trust managers.

  7. class ConfigSSLContextBuilder extends SSLContextBuilder

    Creates an SSL context builder from info objects.

  8. class DefaultHostnameVerifier extends HostnameVerifier

    Use the internal sun hostname checker as the hostname verifier.

  9. class DefaultKeyManagerFactoryWrapper extends KeyManagerFactoryWrapper

  10. class DefaultTrustManagerFactoryWrapper extends TrustManagerFactoryWrapper

  11. class DisabledComplainingHostnameVerifier extends HostnameVerifier

    Add a disabled but complaining hostname verifier.

  12. case class Equal(x: Int) extends ExpressionSymbol with Product with Serializable

  13. sealed abstract class ExpressionSymbol extends AnyRef

  14. final class FakeKeyStore extends AnyRef

    A fake key store

  15. class FileBasedKeyStoreBuilder extends KeyStoreBuilder

    Builds a keystore from a file containing PEM encoded certificates, using CertificateFactory internally.

  16. class FileOnClasspathBasedKeyStoreBuilder extends KeyStoreBuilder

  17. class JavaSecurityDebugBuilder extends AnyRef

  18. class JavaxNetDebugBuilder extends AnyRef

    A builder for setting the system property options in "javax.

  19. final class KeyManagerConfig extends AnyRef

    The key manager config.

  20. trait KeyManagerFactoryWrapper extends AnyRef

  21. trait KeyStoreBuilder extends AnyRef

  22. final class KeyStoreConfig extends AnyRef

    Configuration for a keystore.

  23. case class LessThan(x: Int) extends ExpressionSymbol with Product with Serializable

  24. case class LessThanOrEqual(x: Int) extends ExpressionSymbol with Product with Serializable

  25. trait MonkeyPatcher extends AnyRef

  26. case class MoreThan(x: Int) extends ExpressionSymbol with Product with Serializable

  27. case class MoreThanOrEqual(x: Int) extends ExpressionSymbol with Product with Serializable

  28. case class NotEqual(x: Int) extends ExpressionSymbol with Product with Serializable

  29. class SSLConfigParser extends AnyRef

  30. final class SSLConfigSettings extends AnyRef

    The SSL configuration.

  31. trait SSLContextBuilder extends AnyRef

  32. final class SSLDebugConfig extends AnyRef

    SSL debug configuration.

  33. final class SSLDebugHandshakeOptions extends AnyRef

    SSL handshake debugging options.

  34. final class SSLDebugRecordOptions extends AnyRef

    SSL record debugging options.

  35. final class SSLLooseConfig extends AnyRef

    Configuration for specifying loose (potentially dangerous) ssl config.

  36. final class SSLParametersConfig extends AnyRef

    Carries values which will be later set on an SSLParameters object.

  37. class SimpleSSLContextBuilder extends SSLContextBuilder

    A simple SSL context builder.

  38. class StringBasedKeyStoreBuilder extends KeyStoreBuilder

    Builds a keystore from a string containing PEM encoded certificates, using CertificateFactory internally.

  39. class SystemConfiguration extends AnyRef

    Configures global system properties on the JSSE implementation, if defined.

  40. final class TrustManagerConfig extends AnyRef

    The trust manager config.

  41. trait TrustManagerFactoryWrapper extends AnyRef

  42. final class TrustStoreConfig extends AnyRef

    Configuration for a trust store.

Value Members

  1. object AlgorithmConstraintsParser extends RegexParsers

    Parser based on the jdk.

  2. object Algorithms

    This singleton object provides the code needed to check for minimum standards of an X.

  3. object Ciphers

    This class contains sets of recommended and deprecated TLS cipher suites.

  4. object ClientAuth

  5. object CompositeCertificateException extends Serializable

  6. object FakeKeyStore

    A fake key store

  7. object FakeSSLTools

    Extracted reusable tools from

  8. object KeyManagerConfig

  9. object KeyStoreConfig

  10. object KeystoreFormats

  11. object Protocols

  12. object SSLConfigFactory

    Factory for creating SSL config (for use from Java).

  13. object SSLConfigSettings

  14. object SSLDebugConfig

  15. object SSLDebugHandshakeOptions

  16. object SSLDebugRecordOptions

  17. object SSLLooseConfig

  18. object SSLParametersConfig

  19. object TrustManagerConfig

  20. object TrustStoreConfig

  21. implicit def arrayCertsToListCerts(chain: Array[Certificate]): List[Certificate]

  22. implicit def certResult2PKIXResult(result: CertPathValidatorResult): PKIXCertPathValidatorResult

  23. implicit def certificate2X509Certificate(cert: Certificate): X509Certificate

  24. package debug

  25. def debugChain(chain: Array[X509Certificate]): Seq[String]

  26. def isOpenJdk: Boolean

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
