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Abs() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns the absolute value of this CBOR number.
Abs() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert this object to a number (with .getAsNumber()()), and use that number's.getAbs()() method.
Add(CBORNumber) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns the sum of this number and another number.
Add(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Adds a new object to the end of this array.
Add(Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts an object to a CBOR object and adds it to the end of this array.
Add(Object, Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Adds a new key and its value to this CBOR map, or adds the value if the key doesn't exist.
AddConverter(Type, ICBORConverter<T>) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORTypeMapper
Registers an object that converts objects of a given type to CBOR objects (called a CBOR converter).
Addition(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert both CBOR objects to numbers (with .AsNumber()), and use the first number's.Add() method.
AddTypeName(String) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORTypeMapper
Adds the fully qualified name of a Java or.NET type for use in type matching.
AddTypePrefix(String) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORTypeMapper
Adds a prefix of a Java or.NET type for use in type matching.
ApplyJSONPatch(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns a copy of this object after applying the operations in a JSON patch, in the form of a CBOR object.
Array - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
An array of CBOR objects.
AsBoolean() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns false if this object is a CBOR false, null, or undefined value (whether or not the object has tags); otherwise, true.
AsByte() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getToObject()&lt;byte&gt;() in .NET or .getToObject()(Byte.class) in Java.
AsDouble() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a 64-bit floating point number.
AsDoubleBits() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to the bits of a 64-bit floating-point number if this CBOR object's type is FloatingPoint.
AsDoubleValue() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a 64-bit floating-point number if this CBOR object's type is FloatingPoint.
AsEDecimal() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getToObject()&lt;PeterO.Numbers.EDecimal&gt;() in .NET or .getToObject()(com.upokecenter.numbers.EDecimal.class) in Java.
AsEFloat() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getToObject()&lt;PeterO.Numbers.EFloat&gt;() in.NET or .getToObject()(com.upokecenter.numbers.EFloat.class) in Java.
AsEInteger() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getToObject()&lt;PeterO.Numbers.EInteger&gt;() in .NET or .getToObject()(com.upokecenter.numbers.EInteger.class) in Java.
AsEIntegerValue() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to an arbitrary-precision integer if this CBOR object's type is Integer.
AsERational() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getToObject()&lt;PeterO.Numbers.ERational&gt;() in .NET or.getToObject()(com.upokecenter.numbers.ERational.class) in Java.
AsInt16() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.AsNumber().ToInt16Checked()), or .getToObject()&lt;short&gt;() in .NET.
AsInt32() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a 32-bit signed integer.
AsInt32Value() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a 32-bit signed integer if this CBOR object's type is Integer.
AsInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.AsNumber().ToInt64Checked()), or .ToObject&lt;long&gt;() in.NET.
AsInt64Value() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a 64-bit signed integer if this CBOR object's type is Integer.
AsNumber() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a CBOR number.
AsSingle() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a 32-bit floating point number.
AsString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the value of this object as a text string.
AtJSONPointer(String) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the CBOR object referred to by a JSON Pointer according to RFC6901.
AtJSONPointer(String, CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the CBOR object referred to by a JSON Pointer according to RFC6901, or a default value if the operation fails.


Boolean - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
The simple values true and false.
ByteString - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
An array of bytes.


CalcEncodedSize() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Calculates the number of bytes this CBOR object takes when serialized as a byte array using the EncodeToBytes() method.
CanFitInDouble() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's value can be converted to a 64-bit floating point number without its value being rounded to another numerical value.
CanFitInDouble() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().CanFitInDouble()).
CanFitInInt32() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's numerical value is an integer, is -(2^31) or greater, and is less than 2^31.
CanFitInInt32() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.CanValueFitInInt32(), if the application allows only CBOR integers, or (cbor.isNumber() &&cbor.AsNumber().CanFitInInt32()), if the application allows any CBOR Object convertible to an integer.
CanFitInInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's numerical value is an integer, is -(2^63) or greater, and is less than 2^63.
CanFitInInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use CanValueFitInInt64(), if the application allows only CBOR integers, or (cbor.isNumber() &&cbor.AsNumber().CanFitInInt64()), if the application allows any CBOR Object convertible to an integer.
CanFitInSingle() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's value can be converted to a 32-bit floating point number without its value being rounded to another numerical value.
CanFitInSingle() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().CanFitInSingle()).
CanFitInUInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's numerical value is an integer, is 0 or greater, and is less than 2^64.
CanTruncatedIntFitInInt32() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's value, converted to an integer by discarding its fractional part, would be -(2^31) or greater, and less than 2^31.
CanTruncatedIntFitInInt32() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.CanValueFitInInt32() if only integers of any tag are allowed, or (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().CanTruncatedIntFitInInt32()).
CanTruncatedIntFitInInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's value, converted to an integer by discarding its fractional part, would be -(2^63) or greater, and less than 2^63.
CanTruncatedIntFitInInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.CanValueFitInInt64() if only integers of any tag are allowed, or (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().CanTruncatedIntFitInInt64()).
CanTruncatedIntFitInUInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns whether this object's value, converted to an integer by discarding its fractional part, would be 0 or greater, and less than 2^64.
CanValueFitInInt32() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this CBOR object stores an integer (CBORType.Integer) within the range of a 32-bit signed integer.
CanValueFitInInt64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this CBOR object stores an integer (CBORType.Integer) within the range of a 64-bit signed integer.
CBORDataUtilities - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
Contains methods useful for reading and writing data, with a focus on CBOR.
CBORDateConverter - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
A class for converting date-time objects to and from tagged CBOR objects.
CBORDateConverter() - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Initializes a new instance of the CBORDateConverter class.
CBORDateConverter(CBORDateConverter.ConversionType) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Initializes a new instance of the CBORDateConverter class.
CBORDateConverter.ConversionType - Enum in com.upokecenter.cbor
Conversion type for date-time conversion.
CBOREncodeOptions - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
Specifies options for encoding and decoding CBOR objects.
CBOREncodeOptions() - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Initializes a new instance of the CBOREncodeOptions class with all the default options.
CBOREncodeOptions(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Use the more readable String constructor instead.
CBOREncodeOptions(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Use the more readable String constructor instead.
CBOREncodeOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Initializes a new instance of the CBOREncodeOptions class.
CBORException - Exception in com.upokecenter.cbor
Exception thrown for errors involving CBOR data.
CBORException() - Constructor for exception com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORException
Initializes a new instance of the CBORException class.
CBORException(String) - Constructor for exception com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORException
Initializes a new instance of the CBORException class.
CBORException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORException
Initializes a new instance of the CBORException class.
CBORNumber - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
An instance of a number that CBOR or certain CBOR tags can represent.
CBORNumber.NumberKind - Enum in com.upokecenter.cbor
Specifies the underlying form of this CBOR number object.
CBORObject - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
Represents an object in Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and contains methods for reading and writing CBOR data.
CBORType - Enum in com.upokecenter.cbor
Represents a type that a CBOR object can have.
CBORTypeMapper - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
Holds converters to customize the serialization and deserialization behavior of CBORObject.FromObject and CBORObject#ToObject, as well as type filters for ToObject.
CBORTypeMapper() - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORTypeMapper
Initializes a new instance of the CBORTypeMapper class.
Clear() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Removes all items from this CBOR array or all keys and values from this CBOR map.
CodePointAt(String, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Gets the Unicode code point at the given index of the string.
CodePointAt(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Gets the Unicode code point at the given index of the string.
CodePointBefore(String, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Gets the Unicode code point just before the given index of the string.
CodePointBefore(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Gets the Unicode code point just before the given index of the string.
CodePointCompare(String, String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Compares two strings in Unicode code point order.
CodePointLength(String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Finds the number of Unicode code points in the given text string.
com.upokecenter.cbor - package com.upokecenter.cbor
com.upokecenter.util - package com.upokecenter.util
compareTo(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Compares this CBOR number with a 32-bit signed integer.
compareTo(long) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Compares this CBOR number with a 64-bit signed integer.
compareTo(CBORNumber) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Compares this CBOR number with another.
compareTo(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Compares two CBOR objects.
CompareToIgnoreTags(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Compares this object and another CBOR object, ignoring the tags they have, if any.
ContainsKey(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Determines whether a value of the given key exists in this object.
ContainsKey(Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Determines whether a value of the given key exists in this object.
ContainsKey(String) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Determines whether a value of the given key exists in this object.


DataUtilities - Class in com.upokecenter.util
Contains methods useful for reading and writing text strings.
DateTimeFieldsToCBORObject(int, int[]) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Converts a date/time in the form of a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractional seconds, and time offset to a CBOR object.
DateTimeFieldsToCBORObject(int, int, int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Converts a date/time in the form of a year, month, and day to a CBOR object.
DateTimeFieldsToCBORObject(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Converts a date/time in the form of a year, month, day, hour, minute, and second to a CBOR object.
DateTimeFieldsToCBORObject(EInteger, int[]) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Converts a date/time in the form of a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractional seconds, and time offset to a CBOR object.
Decimal128 - com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
JSON numbers are decoded to CBOR as their closest-rounded approximation to an IEEE 854 decimal128 value, using the round-to-nearest/ties-to-even rounding mode and the rules for the EDecimal form of that approximation as given in the CBORObject.FromObject(EDecimal) method.
DecodeFromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes.
DecodeFromBytes(byte[], CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes, using the given CBOREncodeOptions object to control the decoding process.
DecodeObjectFromBytes(byte[], CBOREncodeOptions, Type) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates an object of an arbitrary type from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes, using the given CBOREncodeOptions object to control the decoding process.
DecodeObjectFromBytes(byte[], CBOREncodeOptions, Type, CBORTypeMapper, PODOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates an object of an arbitrary type from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes, using the given CBOREncodeOptions object to control the decoding process.
DecodeObjectFromBytes(byte[], Type) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates an object of an arbitrary type from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes.
DecodeObjectFromBytes(byte[], Type, CBORTypeMapper, PODOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates an object of an arbitrary type from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes.
DecodeSequenceFromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a sequence of CBOR objects from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes.
DecodeSequenceFromBytes(byte[], CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a sequence of CBOR objects from an array of CBOR-encoded bytes.
Default - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Default options for CBOR objects.
Default - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
The default options for converting CBOR objects to JSON.
Default - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.PODOptions
The default settings for "plain old data" options.
DefaultCtap2Canonical - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Default options for CBOR objects serialized using the CTAP2 canonicalization (used in Web Authentication, among other specifications).
Divide(CBORNumber) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns the quotient of this number and another number.
Divide(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert both CBOR objects to numbers (with .AsNumber()), and use the first number's.Divide() method.
Double - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
A 64-bit binary floating-point number.
Double - com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
JSON numbers are decoded to CBOR as their closest-rounded approximation as 64-bit binary floating-point numbers (using the round-to-nearest/ties-to-even rounding mode).


EDecimal - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
An arbitrary-precision decimal number.
EFloat - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
An arbitrary-precision binary number.
EInteger - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
An arbitrary-precision integer.
EncodeToBytes() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes the binary representation of this CBOR object and returns a byte array of that representation.
EncodeToBytes(CBOREncodeOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes the binary representation of this CBOR object and returns a byte array of that representation, using the specified options for encoding the object to CBOR format.
equals(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Compares the equality of two CBOR objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Determines whether this object and another object are equal and have the same type.
ERational - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
An arbitrary-precision rational number.


False - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Represents the value false.
FilterTypeName(String) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORTypeMapper
Returns whether the given Java or.NET type name fits the filters given in this mapper.
FloatingPoint - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
A 16-, 32-, or 64-bit binary floating-point number.
FromByte(byte) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts a byte (from 0 to 255) to an arbitrary-precision decimal number.
FromCBORObject(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Converts a CBOR object to a java.util.Date (in DotNet) or a Date (in Java).
FromCBORObject(CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Creates a CBOR number object from a CBOR object representing a number (that is, one for which the IsNumber property in.NET or the isNumber() method in Java returns true).
FromCBORObject(CBORObject) - Method in interface com.upokecenter.cbor.ICBORToFromConverter
Converts a CBOR object to a custom type.
FromFloatingPointBits(long, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a floating-point number represented by its bits.
FromInt16(short) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts a 16-bit signed integer to an arbitrary-precision decimal number.
FromJSONBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a byte array in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
FromJSONBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a byte array in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
FromJSONBytes(byte[], int, int, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a byte array in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, using the specified options to control the decoding process.
FromJSONBytes(byte[], JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a byte array in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, using the specified options to control the decoding process.
FromJSONSequenceBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a list of CBOR objects from an array of bytes in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) text sequence format (RFC 7464).
FromJSONSequenceBytes(byte[], JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a list of CBOR objects from an array of bytes in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) text sequence format (RFC 7464), using the specified options to control the decoding process.
FromJSONString(String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
FromJSONString(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
FromJSONString(String, int, int, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, using the specified options to control the decoding process.
FromJSONString(String, CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getFromJSONString()(str, new JSONOptions(\allowduplicatekeys = true\)) or .getFromJSONString()(str, new JSONOptions(\allowduplicatekeys = false\)), as appropriate.
FromJSONString(String, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, using the specified options to control the decoding process.
FromObject(boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns the CBOR true value or false value, depending on "value".
FromObject(byte) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a byte (0 to 255).
FromObject(byte[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an array of 8-bit bytes; the byte array is copied to a new byte array in this process.
FromObject(double) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a 64-bit floating-point number.
FromObject(float) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a 32-bit floating-point number.
FromObject(int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a 32-bit signed integer.
FromObject(int[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an array of 32-bit integers.
FromObject(long) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a 64-bit signed integer.
FromObject(long[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an array of 64-bit integers.
FromObject(short) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a 16-bit signed integer.
FromObject(CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a CBOR object.
FromObject(CBORObject[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an array of CBOR objects.
FromObject(EDecimal) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a decimal number.
FromObject(EFloat) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an arbitrary-precision binary floating-point number.
FromObject(EInteger) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an arbitrary-precision integer.
FromObject(ERational) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an arbitrary-precision rational number.
FromObject(Object) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBORObject from an arbitrary object.
FromObject(Object, CBORTypeMapper) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBORObject from an arbitrary object.
FromObject(Object, CBORTypeMapper, PODOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBORObject from an arbitrary object, using the given options to control how certain objects are converted to CBOR objects.
FromObject(Object, PODOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBORObject from an arbitrary object.
FromObject(String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a text string.
FromObjectAndTag(Object, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an arbitrary object and gives the resulting object a tag in addition to its existing tags (the new tag is made the outermost tag).
FromObjectAndTag(Object, EInteger) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an arbitrary object and gives the resulting object a tag in addition to its existing tags (the new tag is made the outermost tag).
FromSimpleValue(int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Creates a CBOR object from a simple value number.
Full - com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
JSON numbers are decoded to CBOR using the full precision given in the JSON text.


get(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the value of a CBOR object by integer index in this array or by integer key in this map.
get(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the value of a CBOR object by integer index in this array or by CBOR object key in this map.
get(String) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the value of a CBOR object in this map, using a string as the key.
getAllowDuplicateKeys() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to allow duplicate keys when reading CBOR objects from a data stream.
getAllowDuplicateKeys() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to allow duplicate keys when reading JSON.
getAllowEmpty() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether decoding a CBOR object will return null instead of a CBOR object if the stream has no content or the end of the stream is reached before decoding begins.
GetAllTags() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a list of all tags, from outermost to innermost.
getBase64Padding() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
This property now has no effect. This library now includes necessary padding when writing traditional base64 to JSON and includes no padding when writing base64url to JSON, in accordance with the revision of the CBOR specification.
GetByteString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the backing byte array used in this CBOR object, if this object is a byte string, without copying the data to a new byte array.
getCtap2Canonical() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether CBOR objects: When encoding, are written out using the CTAP2 canonical CBOR encoding form, which is useful for implementing Web Authentication (WebAuthn). When decoding, are checked for compliance with the CTAP2 canonical encoding form. In this form, CBOR tags are not used, map keys are written out in a canonical order, a maximum depth of four levels of arrays and/or maps is allowed, duplicate map keys are not allowed when decoding, and floating-point numbers are written out in their 64-bit encoding form regardless of whether their value can be encoded without loss in a smaller form.
getEntries() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a collection of the key/value pairs stored in this CBOR object, if it's a map.
getFloat64() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to encode floating-point numbers in a CBOR object in their 64-bit encoding form regardless of whether their value can be encoded without loss in a smaller form.
getKeepKeyOrder() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to preserve the order in which a CBOR map's keys appear when decoding a CBOR object, by using maps created as though by CBORObject.NewOrderedMap.
getKeepKeyOrder() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to preserve the order in which a map's keys appear when decoding JSON, by using maps created as though by CBORObject.NewOrderedMap.
getKeys() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a collection of the keys of this CBOR object.
getKind() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets the underlying form of this CBOR number object.
getMostInnerTag() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the last defined tag for this CBOR data item, or -1 if the item is untagged.
getMostOuterTag() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the outermost tag for this CBOR data item, or -1 if the item is untagged.
getNumberConversion() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets a value indicating how JSON numbers are decoded to CBOR objects.
GetOrDefault(Object, CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the value of a CBOR object by integer index in this array or by CBOR object key in this map, or a default value if that value is not found.
getPreserveNegativeZero() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets a value indicating whether the JSON decoder should preserve the distinction between positive zero and negative zero when the decoder decodes JSON to a floating-point number format that makes this distinction.
getReplaceSurrogates() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets a value indicating whether surrogate code points not part of a surrogate pair (which consists of two consecutive char s forming one Unicode code point) are each replaced with a replacement character (U+FFFD).
getResolveReferences() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to resolve references to sharable objects and sharable strings in the process of decoding a CBOR object.
getSimpleValue() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the simple value ID of this CBOR object, or -1 if the object is not a simple value.
getTagCount() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the number of tags this object has.
getType() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Gets the conversion type for this date converter.
getType() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the general data type of this CBOR object.
getUseCamelCase() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.PODOptions
Gets a value indicating whether property, field, and method names are converted to camel case before they are used as keys.
getUseIndefLengthStrings() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets a value indicating whether to encode strings with an indefinite-length encoding under certain circumstances.
GetUtf8Bytes(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Encodes a string in UTF-8 as a byte array.
GetUtf8Bytes(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Encodes a string in UTF-8 as a byte array.
GetUtf8Length(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Calculates the number of bytes needed to encode a string in UTF-8.
GetUtf8String(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Generates a text string from a UTF-8 byte array.
GetUtf8String(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Generates a text string from a portion of a UTF-8 byte array.
getValues() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a collection of the values of this CBOR object, if it's a map or an array.
getWriteBasic() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets a value indicating whether JSON is written using only code points from the Basic Latin block (U+0000 to U+007F), also known as ASCII.


hashCode() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Calculates the hash code of this object.
HasMostInnerTag(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has an innermost tag and that tag is of the given number.
HasMostInnerTag(EInteger) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has an innermost tag and that tag is of the given number, expressed as an arbitrary-precision number.
HasMostOuterTag(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has an outermost tag and that tag is of the given number.
HasMostOuterTag(EInteger) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has an outermost tag and that tag is of the given number.
HasOneTag() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has only one tag.
HasOneTag(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has only one tag and that tag is the given number.
HasOneTag(EInteger) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has only one tag and that tag is the given number, expressed as an arbitrary-precision integer.
HasTag(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has a tag of the given number.
HasTag(EInteger) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns whether this object has a tag of the given number.


ICBORConverter<T> - Interface in com.upokecenter.cbor
Interface implemented by classes that convert objects of arbitrary types to CBOR objects.
ICBORToFromConverter<T> - Interface in com.upokecenter.cbor
Classes that implement this interface can support conversions from CBOR objects to a custom type and back.
Insert(int, Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Inserts an object at the specified position in this CBOR array.
Integer - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
A 64-bit signed integer.
Integer - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
An integer in the interval [-(2^64), 2^64 - 1], or an integer of major type 0 and 1.
IntOrFloat - com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
A JSON number is decoded to CBOR objects either as a CBOR integer (major type 0 or 1) if the JSON number represents an integer at least -(2^53)+1 and less than 2^53, or as their closest-rounded approximation as 64-bit binary floating-point numbers (using the round-to-nearest/ties-to-even rounding mode) otherwise.
IntOrFloatFromDouble - com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
A JSON number is decoded to CBOR objects either as a CBOR integer (major type 0 or 1) if the number's closest-rounded approximation as a 64-bit binary floating-point number (using the round-to-nearest/ties-to-even rounding mode) represents an integer at least -(2^53)+1 and less than 2^53, or as that approximation otherwise.
isFalse() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a value indicating whether this value is a CBOR false value, whether tagged or not.
isFinite() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsFinite()).
IsFinite() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this CBOR object represents a finite number.
IsInfinity() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object represents infinity.
IsInfinity() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsInfinity()).
IsInteger() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object represents an integer number, that is, a number without a fractional part.
isIntegral() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsInteger()).
IsNaN() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object represents a not-a-number value.
IsNaN() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsNaN()).
isNegative() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use (cbor.IsNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsNegative()).
IsNegative() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object is a negative number.
IsNegativeInfinity() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object represents negative infinity.
IsNegativeInfinity() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsNegativeInfinity()).
isNull() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a value indicating whether this CBOR object is a CBOR null value, whether tagged or not.
isNumber() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a value indicating whether this CBOR object stores a number (including infinity or a not-a-number or NaN value).
IsPositiveInfinity() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object represents positive infinity.
IsPositiveInfinity() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsPositiveInfinity()).
isTagged() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a value indicating whether this data item has at least one tag.
isTrue() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a value indicating whether this value is a CBOR true value, whether tagged or not.
isUndefined() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a value indicating whether this value is a CBOR undefined value, whether tagged or not.
isZero() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use the following: (cbor.isNumber() && cbor.AsNumber().IsZero()).
IsZero() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets a value indicating whether this object's value equals 0.


JSONOptions - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
Includes options to control how CBOR objects are converted to and from JavaScript object Notation (JSON).
JSONOptions() - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Initializes a new instance of the JSONOptions class with default options.
JSONOptions(boolean) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Use the more readable String constructor instead.
JSONOptions(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
JSONOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Initializes a new instance of the JSONOptions class.
JSONOptions.ConversionMode - Enum in com.upokecenter.cbor
Specifies how JSON numbers are converted to CBOR objects when decoding JSON (such as via FromJSONString or ReadJSON).


Map - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
A map of CBOR objects.
Multiply(CBORNumber) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns a CBOR number expressing the product of this number and the given number.
Multiply(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert both CBOR objects to numbers (with .AsNumber()), and use the first number's.Multiply() method.


NaN - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
A not-a-number value.
Negate() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns a CBOR number with the same value as this one but with the sign reversed.
Negate() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert this object to a number (with .AsNumber()), and use that number's.Negate() method.
NegativeInfinity - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
The value negative infinity.
NewArray() - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Creates a new empty CBOR array.
NewMap() - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Creates a new empty CBOR map that stores its keys in an undefined order.
NewOrderedMap() - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Creates a new empty CBOR map that ensures that keys are stored in the order in which they are first inserted.
Null - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Represents the value null.
Number - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
Since version 4.0, CBORObject.Type no longer returns this value for any CBOR Object - this is a breaking change from earlier versions. Instead, use the IsNumber property of CBORObject to determine whether a CBOR Object represents a number, or use the two new CBORType values instead. CBORType.Integer covers CBOR objects representing integers of major type 0 and 1. CBORType.FloatingPoint covers CBOR objects representing 16-, 32-, and 64-bit floating-point numbers. CBORType.Number may be removed in version 5.0 or later.


ParseJSONNumber(byte[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number from a byte sequence whose format follows the JSON specification.
ParseJSONNumber(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) from a portion of a byte sequence, and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(byte[], int, int, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number from a byte sequence whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(byte[], JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number from a byte sequence whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(char[]) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number from a sequence of char s whose format follows the JSON specification.
ParseJSONNumber(char[], int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) from a portion of a sequence of char s, and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(char[], int, int, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number from a sequence of char s whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(char[], JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number from a sequence of char s whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number whose format follows the JSON specification.
ParseJSONNumber(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Call the one-argument version of this method instead. If this method call used positiveOnly = true, check that the String does not begin with '-' before calling that version. If this method call used integersOnly = true, check that the String does not contain '.', 'E', or 'e' before calling that version.
ParseJSONNumber(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Instead, call ParseJSONNumber(str, jsonoptions) with a JSONOptions that sets preserveNegativeZero to the desired value, either true or false. If this method call used positiveOnly = true, check that the String does not begin with '-' before calling that version. If this method call used integersOnly = true, check that the String does not contain '.', 'E', or 'e' before calling that version.
ParseJSONNumber(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) from a portion of a text string, and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(String, int, int, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) and converts that number to a CBOR object.
ParseJSONNumber(String, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDataUtilities
Parses a number whose format follows the JSON specification (RFC 8259) and converts that number to a CBOR object.
PODOptions - Class in com.upokecenter.cbor
Options for controlling how certain DotNET or Java objects, such as so-called "plain old data" objects (better known as POCOs in DotNET or POJOs in Java), are converted to CBOR objects.
PODOptions() - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.PODOptions
Initializes a new instance of the PODOptions class with all the default options.
PODOptions(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.PODOptions
Use the more readable String constructor instead.
PODOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.upokecenter.cbor.PODOptions
Initializes a new instance of the PODOptions class.
PositiveInfinity - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
The value positive infinity.


Read(InputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Reads an object in CBOR format from a data stream.
Read(InputStream, CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Reads an object in CBOR format from a data stream, using the specified options to control the decoding process.
ReadJSON(InputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a data stream in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
ReadJSON(InputStream, CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, use.getReadJSON()(stream, new JSONOptions(\allowduplicatekeys = true\)) or .getReadJSON()(stream, new JSONOptions(\allowduplicatekeys = false\)), as appropriate.
ReadJSON(InputStream, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from a data stream in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, using the specified options to control the decoding process.
ReadJSONSequence(InputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a list of CBOR objects from a data stream in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) text sequence format (RFC 7464).
ReadJSONSequence(InputStream, JSONOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a list of CBOR objects from a data stream in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) text sequence format (RFC 7464).
ReadSequence(InputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Reads a sequence of objects in CBOR format from a data stream.
ReadSequence(InputStream, CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Reads a sequence of objects in CBOR format from a data stream.
ReadUtf8(InputStream, int, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Reads a string in UTF-8 encoding from a data stream.
ReadUtf8FromBytes(byte[], int, int, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Reads a string in UTF-8 encoding from a byte array.
ReadUtf8ToString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Reads a string in UTF-8 encoding from a data stream in full and returns that string.
ReadUtf8ToString(InputStream, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Reads a string in UTF-8 encoding from a data stream and returns that string.
Remainder(CBORNumber) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns the remainder when this number is divided by another number.
Remainder(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert both CBOR objects to numbers (with .AsNumber()), and use the first number's.Remainder() method.
Remove(CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
If this object is an array, removes the first instance of the specified item from the array.
Remove(Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
If this object is an array, removes the first instance of the specified item (once converted to a CBOR object) from the array.
RemoveAt(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Removes the item at the given index of this CBOR array.


set(int, CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Sets the value of a CBOR object by integer index in this array or by integer key in this map.
set(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Sets the value of a CBOR object by integer index in this array or by CBOR object key in this map.
set(String, CBORObject) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Sets the value of a CBOR object in this map, using a string as the key.
Set(Object, Object) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Maps an object to a key in this CBOR map, or adds the value if the key doesn't exist.
signum() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Gets this value's sign: -1 if nonzero and negative; 1 if nonzero and positive; 0 if zero.
signum() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert this object to a number with.AsNumber(), and use the Sign property in.NET or the signum method in Java. Either will treat not-a-number (NaN) values differently than here.
SimpleValue - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
A "simple value" other than floating point values, true, and false.
size() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets the number of keys in this map, or the number of items in this array, or 0 if this item is neither an array nor a map.
Subtract(CBORNumber) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns a number that expresses this number minus another.
Subtract(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Instead, convert both CBOR objects to numbers (with .AsNumber()), and use the first number's.Subtract() method.


TaggedNumber - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter.ConversionType
FromCBORObject accepts objects with tag 0 (date/time strings) and tag 1 (number of seconds since the start of 1970), and ToCBORObject converts date/time objects to CBOR objects of tag 1.
TaggedNumber - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
A converter object where FromCBORObject accepts CBOR objects with tag 0 (date/time strings) and tag 1 (number of seconds since the start of 1970), and ToCBORObject converts date/time objects (java.util.Date in DotNet, and Date in Java) to CBOR objects of tag 1.
TaggedString - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter.ConversionType
FromCBORObject accepts CBOR objects with tag 0 (date/time strings) and tag 1 (number of seconds since the start of 1970), and ToCBORObject converts date/time objects to CBOR objects of tag 0.
TaggedString - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
A converter object where FromCBORObject accepts CBOR objects with tag 0 (date/time strings) and tag 1 (number of seconds since the start of 1970), and ToCBORObject converts date/time objects (java.util.Date in DotNet, and Date in Java) to CBOR objects of tag 0.
TextString - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
A text string.
ToByteChecked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a byte (from 0 to 255) if it can fit in a byte (from 0 to 255) after converting it to an integer by discarding its fractional part.
ToByteIfExact() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a byte (from 0 to 255) if it can fit in a byte (from 0 to 255) without rounding to a different numerical value.
ToByteUnchecked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to an integer by discarding its fractional part, and returns the least-significant bits of its two's-complement form as a byte (from 0 to 255).
ToCBORObject() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this object's value to a CBOR object.
ToCBORObject(Date) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Converts a java.util.Date (in DotNet) or Date (in Java) to a CBOR object in a manner specified by this converter's conversion type.
ToCBORObject(T) - Method in interface com.upokecenter.cbor.ICBORConverter
Converts an object to a CBOR object.
ToEDecimal() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this object to a decimal number.
ToEFloat() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this object to an arbitrary-precision binary floating point number.
ToEInteger() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this object to an arbitrary-precision integer.
ToEIntegerIfExact() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this object to an arbitrary-precision integer if its value is an integer.
ToERational() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this object to a rational number.
ToInt16Checked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a 16-bit signed integer if it can fit in a 16-bit signed integer after converting it to an integer by discarding its fractional part.
ToInt16IfExact() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a 16-bit signed integer if it can fit in a 16-bit signed integer without rounding to a different numerical value.
ToInt16Unchecked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to an integer by discarding its fractional part, and returns the least-significant bits of its two's-complement form as a 16-bit signed integer.
ToInt32Checked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a 32-bit signed integer if it can fit in a 32-bit signed integer after converting it to an integer by discarding its fractional part.
ToInt32IfExact() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a 32-bit signed integer if it can fit in a 32-bit signed integer without rounding to a different numerical value.
ToInt32Unchecked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to an integer by discarding its fractional part, and returns the least-significant bits of its two's-complement form as a 32-bit signed integer.
ToInt64Checked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a 64-bit signed integer if it can fit in a 64-bit signed integer after converting it to an integer by discarding its fractional part.
ToInt64IfExact() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to a 64-bit signed integer if it can fit in a 64-bit signed integer without rounding to a different numerical value.
ToInt64Unchecked() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Converts this number's value to an integer by discarding its fractional part, and returns the least-significant bits of its two's-complement form as a 64-bit signed integer.
ToJSONBytes() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a byte array in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
ToJSONBytes(JSONOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a byte array in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
ToJSONString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format.
ToJSONString(JSONOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, using the specified options to control the encoding process.
ToLowerCaseAscii(String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Returns a string with the basic upper-case letters A to Z (U+0041 to U+005A) converted to the corresponding basic lower-case letters.
ToObject(Type) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this CBOR object to an object of an arbitrary type.
ToObject(Type, CBORTypeMapper) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this CBOR object to an object of an arbitrary type.
ToObject(Type, CBORTypeMapper, PODOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this CBOR object to an object of an arbitrary type.
ToObject(Type, PODOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this CBOR object to an object of an arbitrary type.
toString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBOREncodeOptions
Gets the values of this options object's properties in text form.
toString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber
Returns the value of this object in text form.
toString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Returns this CBOR object in a text form intended to be read by humans.
toString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions
Gets the values of this options object's properties in text form.
toString() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.PODOptions
Gets the values of this options object's properties in text form.
ToUpperCaseAscii(String) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Returns a string with the basic lower-case letters A to Z (U+0061 to U+007A) converted to the corresponding basic upper-case letters.
True - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Represents the value true.
TryGetDateTimeFields(CBORObject, EInteger[], int[]) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
Tries to extract the fields of a date and time in the form of a CBOR object.


Undefined - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Represents the value undefined.
Untag() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets an object with the same value as this one but without the tags it has, if any.
UntaggedNumber - com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter.ConversionType
FromCBORObject accepts untagged CBOR integer or CBOR floating-point objects that give the number of seconds since the start of 1970, and ToCBORObject converts date/time objects (java.util.Date in DotNet, and Date in Java) to such untagged CBOR objects.
UntaggedNumber - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter
A converter object where FromCBORObject accepts untagged CBOR integer or CBOR floating-point objects that give the number of seconds since the start of 1970, and where ToCBORObject converts date/time objects (java.util.Date in DotNet, and Date in Java) to such untagged CBOR objects.
UntagOne() - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets an object with the same value as this one but without this object's outermost tag, if any.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter.ConversionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORDateConverter.ConversionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORNumber.NumberKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.upokecenter.cbor.JSONOptions.ConversionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WithTag(int) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from an arbitrary object and gives the resulting object a tag in addition to its existing tags (the new tag is made the outermost tag).
WithTag(EInteger) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Generates a CBOR object from this one, but gives the resulting object a tag in addition to its existing tags (the new tag is made the outermost tag).
Write(boolean, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a Boolean value in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(byte, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a byte (0 to 255) in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(double, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 64-bit floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(float, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 32-bit floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(int, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 32-bit signed integer in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(long, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 64-bit signed integer in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(short, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 16-bit signed integer in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(CBORObject, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a CBOR object to a CBOR data stream.
Write(EDecimal, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a decimal floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream, as though it were converted to a CBOR object via CBORObject.FromObject(EDecimal) and then written out.
Write(EFloat, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a binary floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream, as though it were converted to a CBOR object via CBORObject.FromObject(EFloat) and then written out.
Write(EInteger, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a arbitrary-precision integer in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(ERational, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a rational number in CBOR format to a data stream, as though it were converted to a CBOR object via CBORObject.FromObject(ERational) and then written out.
Write(Object, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a CBOR object to a CBOR data stream.
Write(Object, OutputStream, CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes an arbitrary object to a CBOR data stream, using the specified options for controlling how the object is encoded to CBOR data format.
Write(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a text string in CBOR format to a data stream.
Write(String, OutputStream, CBOREncodeOptions) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a text string in CBOR format to a data stream, using the given options to control the encoding process.
WriteFloatingPointBits(OutputStream, long, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes the bits of a floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream.
WriteFloatingPointBits(OutputStream, long, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes the bits of a floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream.
WriteFloatingPointValue(OutputStream, double, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 64-bit binary floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream, either in its 64-bit form, or its rounded 32-bit or 16-bit equivalent.
WriteFloatingPointValue(OutputStream, float, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a 32-bit binary floating-point number in CBOR format to a data stream, either in its 64- or 32-bit form, or its rounded 16-bit equivalent.
WriteJSON(Object, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts an arbitrary object to a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, as in the ToJSONString method, and writes that string to a data stream in UTF-8.
WriteJSONTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, as in the ToJSONString method, and writes that string to a data stream in UTF-8.
WriteJSONTo(OutputStream, JSONOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Converts this object to a text string in JavaScript object Notation (JSON) format, as in the ToJSONString method, and writes that string to a data stream in UTF-8, using the given JSON options to control the encoding process.
WriteTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes this CBOR object to a data stream.
WriteTo(OutputStream, CBOREncodeOptions) - Method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes this CBOR object to a data stream, using the specified options for encoding the data to CBOR format.
WriteUtf8(String, int, int, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Writes a portion of a string in UTF-8 encoding to a data stream.
WriteUtf8(String, int, int, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Writes a portion of a string in UTF-8 encoding to a data stream.
WriteUtf8(String, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.util.DataUtilities
Writes a string in UTF-8 encoding to a data stream.
WriteValue(OutputStream, int, int) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a CBOR major type number and an integer 0 or greater associated with it to a data stream, where that integer is passed to this method as a 32-bit signed integer.
WriteValue(OutputStream, int, long) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a CBOR major type number and an integer 0 or greater associated with it to a data stream, where that integer is passed to this method as a 64-bit signed integer.
WriteValue(OutputStream, int, EInteger) - Static method in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Writes a CBOR major type number and an integer 0 or greater associated with it to a data stream, where that integer is passed to this method as an arbitrary-precision integer.


Zero - Static variable in class com.upokecenter.cbor.CBORObject
Gets a CBOR object for the number zero.
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