Vaadin TouchKit 4.0.0.alpha3 API

com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.extensions Contained here are the different extensions provided by TouchKit.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt Contains the widget set and utilities used when compiling it.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client All classes in this package and its subpackages are compiled to JavaScript using the GWT compiler and run client-side.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.offlinemode Contains the entry point class for offline mode as well as the API to implement an offline mode for a TouchKit application.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.theme Contains the TouchKit theme, which is bundled in the widget set by the GWT compiler.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.ui This package contains GWT widgets of TouchKit.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.vcom Contains the Vaadin communication classes and RPC interfaces for the widgets in the com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.ui package.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.vcom.navigation Contains the Vaadin communication classes and RPC interfaces for the navigation widgets.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.vcom.popover Contains the Vaadin communication classes and RPC interfaces for the Popover component.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.server The only class in this package is the TouchKitServlet class, which is used for serving TouchKit applications.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.service Contains interfaces for application icons and other settings that should be implemented when specifying such settings.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.settings Classes for configuring settings for the application cache, icons, the view port, etc.
com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.ui Contains all the components and layouts provided by TouchKit.


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