Class EmailValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Validator<String>, Serializable, BiFunction<String,ValueContext,ValidationResult>

public class EmailValidator extends RegexpValidator
A string validator for e-mail addresses. The e-mail address syntax is not complete according to RFC 822 but handles the vast majority of valid e-mail addresses correctly.
Vaadin Ltd
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EmailValidator

      public EmailValidator(String errorMessage)
      Creates a validator for checking that a string is a syntactically valid e-mail address.

      This constructor creates a validator which doesn't accept an empty string as a valid e-mail address. Use EmailValidator(String, boolean) constructor with true as a value for the second argument to create a validator which accepts an empty string.

      errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
      See Also:
    • EmailValidator

      public EmailValidator(String errorMessage, boolean allowEmpty)
      Creates a validator for checking that a string is a syntactically valid e-mail address.
      errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
      allowEmpty - if true then an empty string passes the validation, otherwise the validation fails
  • Method Details

    • isValid

      protected boolean isValid(String value)
      Description copied from class: RegexpValidator
      Returns whether the given string matches the regular expression.
      isValid in class RegexpValidator
      value - the string to match
      true if the string matched, false otherwise