Class OracleGenerator

    • Constructor Detail

      • OracleGenerator

        public OracleGenerator()
      • OracleGenerator

        public OracleGenerator​(Class<? extends StatementHelper> statementHelperClazz)
      • OracleGenerator

        public OracleGenerator​(String quoteStart,
                               String quoteEnd)
        Construct an OracleSQLGenerator with the specified identifiers for start and end of quoted strings. The identifiers may be different depending on the database engine and it's settings.
        quoteStart - the identifier (character) denoting the start of a quoted string
        quoteEnd - the identifier (character) denoting the end of a quoted string
    • Method Detail

      • generateSelectQuery

        public StatementHelper generateSelectQuery​(String tableName,
                                                   List<Container.Filter> filters,
                                                   List<OrderBy> orderBys,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int pagelength,
                                                   String toSelect)
        Description copied from interface: SQLGenerator
        Generates a SELECT query with the provided parameters. Uses default filtering mode (INCLUSIVE).
        Specified by:
        generateSelectQuery in interface SQLGenerator
        generateSelectQuery in class DefaultSQLGenerator
        tableName - Name of the table queried
        filters - The filters, converted into a WHERE clause
        orderBys - The the ordering conditions, converted into an ORDER BY clause
        offset - The offset of the first row to be included
        pagelength - The number of rows to be returned when the query executes
        toSelect - String containing what to select, e.g. "*", "COUNT(*)"
        StatementHelper instance containing the query string for a PreparedStatement and the values required for the parameters