Interface Container.SimpleFilterable

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Container, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractBeanContainer, BeanContainer, BeanItemContainer, HierarchicalContainer, IndexedContainer
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Container.SimpleFilterable
    extends Container
    Interface that is implemented by containers which allow reducing their visible contents based on a set of filters. This interface has been renamed from Container.Filterable, and implementing the new Container.Filterable instead of or in addition to Container.SimpleFilterable is recommended. This interface might be removed in future Vaadin versions.

    When a set of filters are set, only items that match all the filters are included in the visible contents of the container. Still new items that do not match filters can be added to the container. Multiple filters can be added and the container remembers the state of the filters. When multiple filters are added, all filters must match for an item to be visible in the container.

    When an Container.Ordered or Container.Indexed container is filtered, all operations of these interfaces should only use the filtered contents and the filtered indices to the container.

    How filtering is performed when a Container.Hierarchical container implements Container.SimpleFilterable is implementation specific and should be documented in the implementing class.

    Adding items (if supported) to a filtered Container.Ordered or Container.Indexed container should insert them immediately after the indicated visible item. The unfiltered position of items added at index 0, at index Container.size() or at an undefined position is up to the implementation.

    The functionality of SimpleFilterable can be implemented using the Container.Filterable API and SimpleStringFilter.

    5.0 (renamed from Filterable to SimpleFilterable in 6.6)
    • Method Detail

      • addContainerFilter

        void addContainerFilter​(Object propertyId,
                                String filterString,
                                boolean ignoreCase,
                                boolean onlyMatchPrefix)
        Add a filter for given property.

        The API Container.Filterable.addContainerFilter(Filter) is recommended instead of this method. A SimpleStringFilter can be used with the new API to implement the old string filtering functionality.

        The filter accepts items for which toString() of the value of the given property contains or starts with given filterString. Other items are not visible in the container when filtered.

        If a container has multiple filters, only items accepted by all filters are visible.

        propertyId - Property for which the filter is applied to.
        filterString - String that must match the value of the property
        ignoreCase - Determine if the casing can be ignored when comparing strings.
        onlyMatchPrefix - Only match prefixes; no other matches are included.
      • removeAllContainerFilters

        void removeAllContainerFilters()
        Remove all filters from all properties.
      • removeContainerFilters

        void removeContainerFilters​(Object propertyId)
        Remove all filters from the given property.
        propertyId - for which to remove filters