Class Compare.LessOrEqual

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Container.Filter, Serializable
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class Compare.LessOrEqual
    extends Compare
    As of 8.0, the whole filtering feature is integrated into DataProvider. For in-memory case (ListDataProvider), use predicates as filters. For back-end DataProviders, filters are specific to the implementation.
    A Compare filter that accepts items for which the identified property value is less than or equal to value. For in-memory filters, the values must implement Comparable and Comparable.compareTo(Object) is used for the comparison. For other containers, the comparison implementation is container dependent and may use e.g. database comparison operations.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LessOrEqual

        public LessOrEqual​(Object propertyId,
                           Object value)
        Construct a filter that accepts items for which the identified property value is less than or equal to value. For in-memory filters, the values must implement Comparable and Comparable.compareTo(Object) is used for the comparison. For other containers, the comparison implementation is container dependent and may use e.g. database comparison operations.
        propertyId - the identifier of the property whose value to compare against value, not null
        value - the value to compare against - null values may or may not be supported depending on the container