Class SimpleJDBCConnectionPool

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JDBCConnectionPool, Serializable

    public class SimpleJDBCConnectionPool
    extends Object
    implements JDBCConnectionPool
    As of 8.0, no replacement available.
    Simple implementation of the JDBCConnectionPool interface. Handles loading the JDBC driver, setting up the connections and ensuring they are still usable upon release.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • releaseConnection

        public void releaseConnection​(Connection conn)
        Description copied from interface: JDBCConnectionPool
        Releases a connection that was retrieved earlier. Note that depending on implementation, the transaction possibly open in the connection may or may not be rolled back.
        Specified by:
        releaseConnection in interface JDBCConnectionPool
        conn - Connection to be released
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: JDBCConnectionPool
        Destroys the connection pool: close() is called an all the connections in the pool, whether available or reserved. This method was added to fix PostgreSQL -related issues with connections that were left hanging 'idle'.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface JDBCConnectionPool