Class DateRangeValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Validator, Serializable

    public class DateRangeValidator
    extends RangeValidator<Date>
    Validator for validating that a Date is inside a given range.

    Note that the comparison is done directly on the Date object so take care that the hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds of the min/max values are properly set.

    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DateRangeValidator

        public DateRangeValidator​(String errorMessage,
                                  Date minValue,
                                  Date maxValue,
                                  Resolution resolution)
        Creates a validator for checking that an Date is within a given range.

        By default the range is inclusive i.e. both minValue and maxValue are valid values. Use RangeValidator.setMinValueIncluded(boolean) or RangeValidator.setMaxValueIncluded(boolean) to change it.

        Note that the comparison is done directly on the Date object so take care that the hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds of the min/max values are properly set.

        errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
        minValue - The minimum value to accept or null for no limit
        maxValue - The maximum value to accept or null for no limit