Class RegexpValidator

    • Constructor Detail

      • RegexpValidator

        public RegexpValidator​(String regexp,
                               String errorMessage)
        Creates a validator for checking that the regular expression matches the complete string to validate.
        regexp - a Java regular expression
        errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
      • RegexpValidator

        public RegexpValidator​(String regexp,
                               boolean complete,
                               String errorMessage)
        Creates a validator for checking that the regular expression matches the string to validate.
        regexp - a Java regular expression
        complete - true to use check for a complete match, false to look for a matching substring
        errorMessage - the message to display in case the value does not validate.
    • Method Detail

      • isValidValue

        protected boolean isValidValue​(String value)
        Description copied from class: AbstractValidator
        Internally check the validity of a value. This method can be used to perform validation in subclasses if customization of the error message is not needed. Otherwise, subclasses should override AbstractValidator.validate(Object) and the return value of this method is ignored. This method should not be called from outside the validator class itself.
        Specified by:
        isValidValue in class AbstractValidator<String>