Class Configuration

    • Constructor Detail

      • Configuration

        public Configuration()
    • Method Detail

      • setAccessibility

        public void setAccessibility​(Accessibility accessibility)
        Sets options for configuring accessibility for the chart.
        accessibility -
      • setChart

        public void setChart​(ChartModel chart)
        Sets options regarding the chart and plot areas as well as general chart options.
        chart - ChartModel to set, not null
      • addSeries

        public void addSeries​(Series series)
        Adds a single series to the list of series in this configuration.
        series -
      • setSeries

        public void setSeries​(List<Series> series)
        Sets the actual series to append to the chart. Series objects contains the data content (individual points/columns etc.) of the plot. The series object could have data (the content), name, labels, tooltips, markers etc.

        In addition to the attributes listed above, any member of the plotOptions for that specific type of plot can be added to a series individually. For example, even though a general lineWidth is specified in AbstractPlotOptions, an individual lineWidth can be specified for each series (e.g. to enable each series have different lineWidth).

        If the chart is already rendered on the client, Chart.drawChart(boolean) needs to be called with true as parameter so the configuration object is resent to the client.
        series -
      • getDrilldown

        public Drilldown getDrilldown()
        Configuration options for drill down, the concept of inspecting increasingly high resolution data through clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices.
        current drilldown configuration
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(Title title)
        The main title of the chart.
        title -
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String text)
        Sets the new chart's main title to the given string
        text - Text of title
      • getSubTitle

        public Subtitle getSubTitle()
        The chart's subtitle
      • setSubTitle

        public void setSubTitle​(String text)
        Sets the subtitle to the given text
        text - Text of subtitle
      • setSubTitle

        public void setSubTitle​(Subtitle subTitle)
        Sets the chart's subtitle
        subTitle -
      • getxAxis

        public XAxis getxAxis()
        Returns the X-axis or category axis. Normally this is the horizontal axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the vertical axis. In case of multiple axes defined, the first axis is returned. An axis will be created if no axis is defined.
        the X-axis or category axis.
      • getNumberOfxAxes

        public int getNumberOfxAxes()
        the number of X-axes defined
      • getxAxis

        public XAxis getxAxis​(int index)
        The X-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
      • removexAxes

        public void removexAxes()
        Removes all defined X-axes
      • addxAxis

        public void addxAxis​(XAxis axis)
        Adds an X-axis to the configuration
        axis - The X-Axis to add.
        See Also:
      • getyAxis

        public YAxis getyAxis()
        Returns the Y-axis or value axis. Normally this is the vertical axis, though if the chart is inverted this is the horizontal axis. In case there are multiple axes defined (a list), only the first axis is returned. If none exist, a Y-axis will be created.
        The first Y-axis
        See Also:
      • getNumberOfyAxes

        public int getNumberOfyAxes()
        The number of Y-axes defined
      • getyAxis

        public YAxis getyAxis​(int index)
        The Y-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
      • removeyAxes

        public void removeyAxes()
        Removes all defined Y-axes
      • addyAxis

        public void addyAxis​(YAxis axis)
        Adds a Y-axis.
        axis - The Y-axis to add.
        See Also:
        getyAxes(), getyAxis()
      • getyAxes

        public AxisList<YAxis> getyAxes()
        A list of all defined Y-axes, null if none are found.
      • getzAxis

        public ZAxis getzAxis()
        Returns the Z-axis. In case there are multiple axes defined (a list), only the first axis is returned. If none exist, a Z-axis will be created.
        The first Z-axis
        See Also:
      • getNumberOfzAxes

        public int getNumberOfzAxes()
        The number of Z-axes defined
      • getzAxis

        public ZAxis getzAxis​(int index)
        The Z-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
      • removezAxes

        public void removezAxes()
        Removes all defined Z-axes
      • addzAxis

        public void addzAxis​(ZAxis axis)
        Adds a Z-axis.
        axis - The Z-axis to add.
        See Also:
        getzAxes(), getzAxis()
      • getzAxes

        public AxisList<ZAxis> getzAxes()
        A list of all defined Z-axes, null if none are found.
      • getTooltip

        public Tooltip getTooltip()
        the tooltip options for this chart. If none have been set, a new Tooltip object with the default options is created.
        See Also:
      • setTooltip

        public void setTooltip​(Tooltip tooltip)
        Sets the options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a series or point.
        tooltip -
      • setCredits

        public void setCredits​(Credits credits)
        Sets/changes the credits label that is added in the lower right corner of the chart.
        credits -
      • disableCredits

        public void disableCredits()
        Disables the credits by setting a Credits object with the enabled property set to false.
      • setLegend

        public void setLegend​(Legend legend)
        Sets the legend. The legend is a box containing a symbol and name for each series item or point item in the chart.
        legend -
      • setPlotOptions

        public void setPlotOptions​(AbstractPlotOptions... plotOptions)
        Sets component-wide default plot options.

        If the component contains several chart types, this method can be called with several plot option types. Subsequent calls with the same plot type will replace previous options for that specific chart type i.e only the latest options for each chart type is honored.

        PlotOptionsSeries is a special plot options type that can be used to define rules for all chart types.

        plotOptions -
        See Also:
      • setLabels

        public void setLabels​(HTMLLabels labels)
        Sets HTML labels that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
        labels -
      • setExporting

        public void setExporting​(Exporting exporting)
        Sets the exporting module settings.
        exporting -
        See Also:
      • addPane

        public void addPane​(Pane pane)
        Adds a pane. This applies only to polar charts and angular gauges. This configuration object holds general options for the combined X and Y -axes set. Each XAxis or YAxis can reference the pane by index.
        pane -
      • setRangeSelector

        public void setRangeSelector​(RangeSelector rangeSelector)
        Set settings for range selector.

        This is only valid if the chart is configured to use timeline. See Chart.setTimeline(Boolean)}

        rangeSelector -
        See Also:
      • setScrollbar

        public void setScrollbar​(Scrollbar scrollbar)
        Set configuration for the scrollbar. Allows panning over the X axis of the chart
        scrollbar -
      • setNoData

        public void setNoData​(NoData noData)
        Set options for displaying a message when no data is available. The actual text to display is set in the Lang.setNoData(String)
        noData -
      • setNavigation

        public void setNavigation​(Navigation navigation)
        Set options for buttons and menus appearing in the exporting module.
        navigation -
      • setLoading

        public void setLoading​(Loading loading)
        Set loading options control the appearance of the loading screen that covers the plot area on chart operations.
        loading -
      • setNavigator

        public void setNavigator​(Navigator navigator)
        Set configuration for the navigator
        navigator -
      • setTime

        public void setTime​(Time time)
        Set configuration for time options
        time -
      • reverseListSeries

        public void reverseListSeries()
        Reverses the ListSeries (transposes it such that categories would be series names and vice versa) to help stacking throws IllegalStateException if series are not ListSeries type
      • fireAxesRescaled

        public void fireAxesRescaled​(Axis axis,
                                     Number minimum,
                                     Number maximum,
                                     boolean redraw,
                                     boolean animate)
        Fires axis rescaled event.
        Specified by:
        fireAxesRescaled in interface ChartConfiguration
        axis - Axis that is the source of the event.
        minimum - New minimum.
        maximum - New maximum.
        redraw - Whether or not to redraw.
        animate - Whether or not to animate.
      • resetZoom

        public void resetZoom()
        Reset zoom level by setting axes extremes to null
      • resetZoom

        public void resetZoom​(boolean redraw,
                              boolean animate)
        Reset zoom level by setting axes extremes to null
        redraw - Whether or not to redraw.
        animate - Whether or not to animate.
      • addChangeListener

        public void addChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener listener)
        Sets the listener to be notified of e.g. data series changes

        This method is used internally by the library. Usage by the end user will cause unexpected behavior.

        listener - Listener to add.
      • removeChangeListener

        public void removeChangeListener​(ConfigurationChangeListener listener)
        Removes a change listener.
        listener - Listener to remove.
      • getColorAxis

        public ColorAxis getColorAxis()
        Returns the color axis. This is used in color-based diagrams, like heat maps. In case of multiple axes defined, the first axis is returned. An axis will be created if no axis is defined.
        the color axis.
      • getNumberOfColorAxes

        public int getNumberOfColorAxes()
        the number of color axes defined
      • getColorAxis

        public ColorAxis getColorAxis​(int index)
        The Color-axis with the given index or null if the index is not valid
      • removeColorAxes

        public void removeColorAxes()
        Removes all defined color-axes
      • addColorAxis

        public void addColorAxis​(ColorAxis axis)
        Adds a color-axis to the configuration
        axis - The color Axis to add.
        See Also: