Class DataSeriesItem

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem()
        Creates an empty item, without values, colors, etc.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(String name,
                              Number y)
        Constructs an item with a name and a Y value
        name - Name of the item.
        y - Y-value of the item.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(String name,
                              Number y,
                              Color color)
        Constructs an item with a name and a value on the Y-axis and assigns the specified color to the item.
        name - Name of the item.
        y - Y-value of the item.
        color - Color of the item.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(Number x,
                              Number y)
        Constructs an item with X and Y values
        x - X-value of the item.
        y - Y-value of the item.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(Number x,
                              Number y,
                              Color color)
        Constructs an item with numerical values for the X and Y axes and assigns the specified color to the item.
        x - X-value of the item.
        y - Y-value of the item.
        color - Color of the item.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(Instant instant,
                              Number y)
        Constructs a DataSeriesItem with the given instant as X value and Y value.
        instant - Instant of the item, as its X-value.
        y - Y-value of the item.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(Instant instant,
                              Number low,
                              Number high)
        Constructs a DataSeriesItem with the given instant as X value with min and max values for use in range visualizations.
        instant - Instant of the item, as its X-value.
        low - Lower value for range visualization.
        high - Upper value for range visualization.
      • DataSeriesItem

        public DataSeriesItem​(Number x,
                              Number low,
                              Number high)
        Constructs a DataSeriesItem with the given X, min and max values for use in range visualizations.
        x - X-value of the item.
        low - Lower value for range visualization.
        high - Upper value for range visualization.
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the name of the data item as shown in the legend, tooltip, dataLabel etc. Defaults to "".
        setName in class AbstractSeriesItem
        name - Name of the item.
      • setSliced

        public void setSliced​(boolean sliced)
        Sets whether to display a slice offset from the center. Defaults to false. Note: This applies to pie charts only.
        setSliced in class AbstractSeriesItem
        sliced - When true, this item should be displayed with a small offset from the centre of the pie chart; when false, this item will be rendered normally.
      • isSelected

        public boolean isSelected()
        Checks whether or not the item is selected.
        true if the item is selected, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • setSelected

        public void setSelected​(Boolean selected)
        Sets whether the data item is selected or not.
        selected - Whether or not the item should be selected.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        Sets the ID for the point. This can be used after rendering to get a reference to the point object. Defaults to null.
        setId in class AbstractSeriesItem
        id - New id.
      • setLegendIndex

        public void setLegendIndex​(Number legendIndex)
        Sets the sequential index of the pie slice in the legend. Defaults to undefined. Note This applies to pie charts only.
        setLegendIndex in class AbstractSeriesItem
        legendIndex - Index in the legend.
      • setMarker

        public void setMarker​(Marker marker)
        Sets the marker of this data series item
        setMarker in class AbstractSeriesItem
        marker - Marker of the item.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(Color color)
        Sets the individual color for the point. Defaults to null. This might not work for all chart types.
        setColor in class AbstractSeriesItem
        color - Color of the item.
      • setDial

        public void setDial​(Dial dial)
        Sets the dial or arrow pointer of the gauge.

        Note This is only applicable for gauge charts.

        dial - Dial to use.
      • getDial

        public Dial getDial()
        Returns the current dial. This is only applicable for gauge charts.
        The dial or arrow pointer of a gauge chart. Only applicable for gauge charts.
        See Also:
      • isCustomized

        public boolean isCustomized()
        Checks if the data can be rendered in an optimized manner.
        true if the data series item can be rendered in optimized manner, false otherwise.
      • makeCustomized

        protected void makeCustomized()
        Marks the item as customized, so that it can be rendered in a more optimal way.
      • getLow

        public Number getLow()
        Returns the lower range for visualizations.
        The lower range.
      • setLow

        public void setLow​(Number low)
        Sets the lower range for visualizations.
        low - New lower range.
      • getHigh

        public Number getHigh()
        Returns the upper range for visualizations.
        The upper range.
      • setHigh

        public void setHigh​(Number high)
        Sets the upper range for visualizations.
        high - New upper range.
      • setDataLabels

        public void setDataLabels​(DataLabels dataLabels)
        Set the label configuration for this item
        dataLabels -
      • setCursor

        public void setCursor​(String cursor)
        Sets the cursor CSS attribute to be shown on mouse over

        Accepts CSS cursor values like: alias, all-scroll, auto, cell, context-menu, col-resize, copy, crosshair, default, e-resize, ew-resize, grab, grabbing, help, move, n-resize, ne-resize, nesw-resize, ns-resize, nw-resize, nwse-resize, no-drop, none, not-allowed, pointer, progress, row-resize, s-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, text, vertical-text, w-resize, wait, zoom-in, zoom-out

        Note that not all browsers have support for all values.

        cursor -
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)

        Requires Accessibility module

        A description of the series to add to the screen reader information about the series.

        Defaults to: undefined