Class ServerSideFeature

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerSideFeature

        public ServerSideFeature​(StateNode node)
        Creates a new feature for the given node.
        node - the node which supports the feature
    • Method Detail

      • collectChanges

        public void collectChanges​(Consumer<NodeChange> collector)
        Description copied from class: NodeFeature
        Collects all changes that are recorded for this feature.
        Specified by:
        collectChanges in class NodeFeature
        collector - a consumer accepting node changes
      • generateChangesFromEmpty

        public void generateChangesFromEmpty()
        Description copied from class: NodeFeature
        Generates all changes that would be needed to take this node from its initial empty state to its current state.
        Specified by:
        generateChangesFromEmpty in class NodeFeature
      • forEachChild

        public void forEachChild​(Consumer<StateNode> action)
        Description copied from class: NodeFeature
        Passes each child node instance to the given consumer.
        Specified by:
        forEachChild in class NodeFeature
        action - the consumer that accepts each child