Class SheetChartWrapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SheetChartWrapper
    extends SheetOverlayWrapper
    implements Serializable
    SheetChartWrapper is an utility class of the Spreadsheet component. In addition to the chart resource, this wrapper contains the chart's visibility state, position and size.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SheetChartWrapper

        public SheetChartWrapper​(org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFChart chartXml,
                                 Spreadsheet spreadsheet)
    • Method Detail

      • setChartCreator

        public static void setChartCreator​(ChartCreator newChartCreator)
      • getComponent

        public Component getComponent​(boolean init)
        Description copied from class: SheetOverlayWrapper
        Returns the component contained in this wrapper if there is one.
        getComponent in class SheetOverlayWrapper
        init - false if you don't want to initialize the component, calling with true after the first time has no effect.
      • getHeight

        public float getHeight​( sheet,
                               float[] rowH)
        Description copied from class: SheetOverlayWrapper
        Calculates the height of the image. Might not be 100% correct because of bugs in POI (returns inconsistent values for Dx and Dy).

        If the image doesn't have a specified height and should be sized to image file size, -1 is returned.

        getHeight in class SheetOverlayWrapper
        sheet - The sheet this image belongs to
        rowH - Array of row heights in points
        Image height in points, or -1 if image file height should be used.
      • getWidth

        public float getWidth​( sheet,
                              int[] colW,
                              int defaultColumnWidthPX)
        Description copied from class: SheetOverlayWrapper
        Calculates the width of the image. Might not be 100% correct because of bugs in POI (returns inconsistent values for Dx and Dy).

        If the image doesn't have a specified width and should be sized to image file size, -1 is returned.

        getWidth in class SheetOverlayWrapper
        sheet - The sheet this image belongs to
        colW - Array of column widths in pixels
        defaultColumnWidthPX - Default column width in pixels
        Width of the image in pixels, or -1 if image file width should be used