Class Drilldown

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Drilldown
    extends AbstractConfigurationObject
    Options for drill down, the concept of inspecting increasingly high resolution data through clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Drilldown

        public Drilldown()
    • Method Detail

      • setConfiguration

        public void setConfiguration​(Configuration configuration)
        Sets the configuration linked to the drilldown series.
        configuration -
      • setActiveAxisLabelStyle

        public void setActiveAxisLabelStyle​(Style activeAxisLabelStyle)
        Additional styles to apply to the X axis label for a point that has drilldown data.
        activeAxisLabelStyle -
      • setActiveDataLabelStyle

        public void setActiveDataLabelStyle​(Style activeDataLabelStyle)
        Additional styles to apply to the data label of a point that has drilldown data.
        activeDataLabelStyle -
      • getAnimation

        public Boolean getAnimation()
        true if animation is enabled false otherwse.
      • setAnimation

        public void setAnimation​(Boolean animation)
        Set the animation for all drilldown animations. Animation of a drilldown occurs when drilling between a column point and a column series, or a pie slice and a full pie series. Drilldown can still be used between series and points of different types, but animation will not occur.
        animation -
      • setDrillUpButton

        public void setDrillUpButton​(DrillUpButton drillUpButton)
        Options for the drill up button that appears when drilling down on a series. The text for the button is defined in Lang.setDrillUpText(String).
        drillUpButton -
      • setAllowPointDrilldown

        public void setAllowPointDrilldown​(Boolean allowPointDrilldown)
        When this option is false, clicking a single point will drill down all points in the same category, equivalent to clicking the X axis label.

        Defaults to: true