Class Icon

    • Method Detail

      • getAnchor

        public Icon.Anchor getAnchor()
        The anchor position of the image. This defines how the image should be aligned from the getAnchorOrigin(). The anchor position is specified in relative units, based on the size of the image. Valid values range from 0 to 1, where 1 moves the image by its full width or height from the anchor origin. Default value is {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}, which centers the image.
        the current anchor
      • setAnchor

        public void setAnchor​(Icon.Anchor anchor)
        Sets the anchor position of the icon's image
        anchor - the new anchor
      • getAnchorOrigin

        public Icon.AnchorOrigin getAnchorOrigin()
        The origin of the getAnchor() position. Defaults to Icon.AnchorOrigin.TOP_LEFT.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.

        the current anchor origin
      • getColor

        public String getColor()
        Color to tint the icon's image with. If not specified, the image will not be modified.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.

        the current color tint
      • getCrossOrigin

        public String getCrossOrigin()
        The cross-origin attribute value for loaded images.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.

        the cross-origin attribute value
      • getSrc

        public String getSrc()
        The source URL from which the icon's image should be loaded. Either this or getImg() must be specified in the options for the icon, and only one of the two options must be provided.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.

        the source URL for the icon's image
      • getImg

        public StreamResource getImg()
        The stream resource from which the icon's image should be loaded. Either this or getSrc() must be specified in the options for the icon, and only one of the two options must be provided.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.

        the stream resource containing the icon's image
      • getImgSize

        public Icon.ImageSize getImgSize()
        The size of the image in pixels.

        This value can not be changed after constructing an instance, it can only be set initially by passing an options object to the constructor.

        the size of the image