Class AmbiguousRouteConfigurationException

    • Constructor Detail

      • AmbiguousRouteConfigurationException

        public AmbiguousRouteConfigurationException​(String message,
                                                    Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
        Constructs a new invalid route configuration exception with the specified detail message and the existing navigation target component which already presents in the configuration with the route path.
        message - the detail message. The detail message is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getMessage() method.
        navigationTarget - the configured navigation target, not null
    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguredNavigationTarget

        public Class<? extends Component> getConfiguredNavigationTarget()
        Returns the already configured navigation target component class which caused the exception.

        In case the exception happens as a result of a navigation target collision for the same route path this method returns the configured navigation target for the path.

        an optional existing navigation target in the configuration which caused the exception, or an empty optional if the exception is not caused by a collision, not null