Interface SpreadsheetServerRpc

    • Method Detail

      • onConnectorInit

        void onConnectorInit()
        Called when the client side connector has been initialized. This is for making sure that the non-state related stuff is cleared from server side when needed, because non state stuff is not resent to client when the component is attached again. Thus this marks that cached should be cleared etc.
      • contextMenuOpenOnSelection

        void contextMenuOpenOnSelection​(int row,
                                        int column)
        Context menu should be created for the appropriate selection.

        Selection can change if the cell at the given indexes isn't included in the previous selection.

        row - 1-based
        column - 1-based
      • actionOnCurrentSelection

        void actionOnCurrentSelection​(String actionKey)
        The action was selected from context menu for the current selection.
        actionKey -
      • rowHeaderContextMenuOpen

        void rowHeaderContextMenuOpen​(int rowIndex)
        Context menu should be created for the row.
        rowIndex - 1-based
      • actionOnRowHeader

        void actionOnRowHeader​(String actionKey)
        The action was selected from context menu for the row header.
        actionKey -
      • columnHeaderContextMenuOpen

        void columnHeaderContextMenuOpen​(int columnIndex)
        Context menu should be created for the column.
        columnIndex - 1-based
      • actionOnColumnHeader

        void actionOnColumnHeader​(String actionKey)
        The action was selected from context menu for the column header.
        actionKey -