Class IdMapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class IdMapper
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Creates or maps Element instances to fields mapped using @Id.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • IdMapper

        public IdMapper​(Component template)
        Creates a mapper for the given template.
        template - a template instance
    • Method Detail

      • mapComponentOrElement

        public void mapComponentOrElement​(Field field,
                                          String id,
                                          String tag,
                                          Consumer<Element> beforeInject)
        Maps an element or component to the given field.

        If an element with the given id exists in the template element tree, that element is used.

        If no element exists (the typical case), a virtual element is created and later on, when the template has been rendered in the client, is connected to the rendered element with the given id.

        field - the field to assign the element/component to
        id - the id of the element to map
        tag - the tag of the injected element or null if not known
        beforeInject - a callback invoked before assigning the element/component to the field
      • getOrCreateShadowRoot

        public ShadowRoot getOrCreateShadowRoot()
        Gets the shadow root for the template.

        Creates a shadow root if the template does not have one.

        the shadow root for the template
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets the mapper to its original state, clearing any registered mappings.
      • isMapped

        public boolean isMapped​(String id)
        Checks if the given id has been mapped.
        id - the id to check
        true if the element has been mapped, false otherwise