Interface SpreadsheetHandler

    • Method Detail

      • onSheetScroll

        void onSheetScroll​(int firstRow,
                           int firstColumn,
                           int lastRow,
                           int lastColumn)
        These cells have become visible and possibly need the content, if has not been given previously or has not changed.
      • sheetAddressChanged

        void sheetAddressChanged​(String value)
        Address field value changed.
      • cellSelected

        void cellSelected​(int row,
                          int column,
                          boolean oldSelectionRangeDiscarded)
        Single cell selected inside sheet.
      • cellRangeSelected

        void cellRangeSelected​(int row1,
                               int col1,
                               int row2,
                               int col2)
        Cell range selected from scratch. Actual selected cell not changed.
      • cellAddedToSelectionAndSelected

        void cellAddedToSelectionAndSelected​(int row,
                                             int column)
        Single cell added to selection. Selection changed to this.
      • cellsAddedToRangeSelection

        void cellsAddedToRangeSelection​(int row1,
                                        int col1,
                                        int row2,
                                        int col2)
        Multiple cells added to previous range selection. Actual selected cell not changed.
      • rowSelected

        void rowSelected​(int row,
                         int firstColumnIndex)
        Complete row selected. New selected cell is at firstColumnIndex:row.
        row - the row that was selected
        firstColumnIndex - column index for the selected cell (left most visible)
      • rowAddedToRangeSelection

        void rowAddedToRangeSelection​(int row,
                                      int firstColumnIndex)
        Complete row added to previous range selection. New selected cell is at firstColumnIndex:row.
        row - the row that was selected
        firstColumnIndex - column index for the selected cell (left most visible)
      • columnSelected

        void columnSelected​(int column,
                            int firstRowIndex)
        Complete column selected. New selected cell is at column:firstRowIndex.
        column - the column that was selected
        firstRowIndex - row index for the selected cell (top most visible)
      • columnAddedToSelection

        void columnAddedToSelection​(int firstRowIndex,
                                    int column)
        Complete column added to previous range selection. New selected cell is at column:firstRowIndex.
        firstRowIndex - row index for the selected cell (top most)
        column - the column that was selected
      • selectionIncreasePainted

        void selectionIncreasePainted​(int r1,
                                      int c1,
                                      int r2,
                                      int c2)
        The new selection that was painted from the old. Values and formulas should be painted to the new selection.
        r1 - new selection top, 1-based
        c1 - new selection left, 1-based
        r2 - new selection bottom, 1-based
        c2 - new selection right, 1-based
      • selectionDecreasePainted

        void selectionDecreasePainted​(int row,
                                      int col)
        The existing selection has been painted inwards meaning that the painted selection cells should be cleared.
        row - topmost cell index where the clearing starts, 1-based
        col - leftmost cell index where the clearing starts, 1-based
      • cellValueEdited

        void cellValueEdited​(int row,
                             int col,
                             String value)
      • sheetSelected

        void sheetSelected​(int sheetIndex,
                           int scrollLeft,
                           int scrollTop)
        sheetIndex - 0-based
        scrollTop -
        scrollLeft -
      • sheetRenamed

        void sheetRenamed​(int sheetIndex,
                          String newName)
        sheetIndex - 0-based
        newName -
      • sheetCreated

        void sheetCreated​(int scrollLeft,
                          int scrollTop)
        Sheet is created as the last sheet
        scrollTop -
        scrollLeft -
      • cellRangePainted

        void cellRangePainted​(int selectedCellRow,
                              int selectedCellColumn,
                              int row1,
                              int col1,
                              int row2,
                              int col2)
        Cell range selected by painting
        selectedCellRow -
        selectedCellColumn -
        row1 -
        col1 -
        row2 -
        col2 -
      • deleteSelectedCells

        void deleteSelectedCells()
        Delete the contents of the selected cells, do not remove style/formatting.
      • linkCellClicked

        void linkCellClicked​(int row,
                             int column)
        A cell containing a hyperlink has been clicked.
        row - 1-based
        column - 1-based
      • rowsResized

        void rowsResized​(Map<Integer,​Float> newRowSizes,
                         int row1,
                         int col1,
                         int row2,
                         int col2)
        Rows resized with header drag and drop. Indexes 1-based.
        newRowSizes - row index and new size (converted pt)
        row1 -
        col1 -
        row2 -
        col2 -
      • columnResized

        void columnResized​(Map<Integer,​Integer> newColumnSizes,
                           int row1,
                           int col1,
                           int row2,
                           int col2)
        Columns resized with drag and drop. Indexes 1-based.
        row1 -
        col1 -
        row2 -
        col2 -
        newColumnSizes - column index and new size (px)
      • onRowAutofit

        void onRowAutofit​(int rowIndex)
        Row autofit with double click on the row header resizing area.
        rowIndex - 1-based
      • onColumnAutofit

        void onColumnAutofit​(int columnIndex)
        Column autofit with double click on the column header resizing area.
        columnIndex - 1-based
      • onUndo

        void onUndo()
        Client pressed undo ctrl/meta+z
      • onRedo

        void onRedo()
        Client pressed redo ctrl/meta+y
      • setCellStyleWidthRatios

        void setCellStyleWidthRatios​(HashMap<Integer,​Float> cellStyleWidthRatioMap)
      • protectedCellWriteAttempted

        void protectedCellWriteAttempted()
        Client tried to modify protected cell
      • onPaste

        void onPaste​(String text)
        Client pasted text at current selection.
        text -
      • clearSelectedCellsOnCut

        void clearSelectedCellsOnCut()
        Called after successful cut operation; currently selected cells should be cleared
      • updateCellComment

        void updateCellComment​(String text,
                               int col,
                               int row)