Class AxisStyle

    • Constructor Detail

      • AxisStyle

        public AxisStyle()
    • Method Detail

      • setMinorTickInterval

        public void setMinorTickInterval​(TickIntervalStyle minorTickInterval)
        Sets the tick interval in scale units for the minor ticks. On a linear axis, if TickIntervalStyle.AUTO, the minor tick interval is calculated as a fifth of the tickInterval. If null, minor ticks are not shown. On logarithmic axes, the unit is the power of the value. For example, setting the minor tick interval to 1 puts one tick on each of 0.1, 1, 10, 100 etc. Setting the minor tick interval to 0.1 produces 9 ticks between 1 and 10, 10 and 100 etc. A minor tick interval of TickIntervalStyle.AUTO on a log axis results in a best guess, attempting to enter approximately 5 minor ticks between each major tick. Defaults to null.
        minorTickInterval -
      • setLineColor

        public void setLineColor​(Color lineColor)
        Sets the color of the line marking the axis itself. Defaults to "#C0D0E0".
        lineColor -
      • setLineWidth

        public void setLineWidth​(Number lineWidth)
        Sets the width of the line marking the axis itself. Defaults to 1.
        lineWidth -
      • setTickWidth

        public void setTickWidth​(Number tickWidth)
        Sets the pixel width of the major tick marks. Defaults to 1.
        tickWidth -
      • setTickColor

        public void setTickColor​(Color tickColor)
        Sets the color for the main tick marks. Defaults to #C0D0E0.
        tickColor -
      • getTitle

        public Style getTitle()
        The title style
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(Style style)
        Sets the title style
        style -
      • getSubtitle

        public Style getSubtitle()
        The subtitle style
      • setSubtitle

        public void setSubtitle​(Style style)
        Sets the subtitle style
        style - Subtitle style
      • getLabels

        public Style getLabels()
        The style for labels
      • setLabels

        public void setLabels​(Style style)
        Sets the style for labels
        style - Labels style
      • setGridLineWidth

        public void setGridLineWidth​(Number gridLineWidth)
        Sets the width of the grid lines extending the ticks across the plot area. Defaults to 0.
        gridLineWidth -
      • setAlternateGridColor

        public void setAlternateGridColor​(Color alternateGridColor)
        Sets the alternate grid color. When using an alternate grid color, a band is painted across the plot area between every other grid line. Defaults to null.
        alternateGridColor -
      • getGridLineColor

        public Color getGridLineColor()
        The color of grid lines, null if not defined
        See Also:
      • setGridLineColor

        public void setGridLineColor​(Color gridLineColor)
        Sets the color of the grid lines extending the ticks across the plot area. Defaults to "#C0C0C0".
        gridLineColor - Color of grid lines